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The brothers now stood leaning against the car. They had pulled over at the side on the emergency lane in the highway right after the call was cut. Diego, though running late for his flight he did not bother to move nor did Thiyagu mentioned about the fight his brother was about to miss. 

They did several calls in between, informing the others who needed to know about the call Diego received earlier, meanwhile.

"I did not expect this to happen, brother" Thiyagu broke the silence after long.

"Me either. But the officer strictly told me that the report will only be out day after tomorrow. I wonder what made him call me a day earlier" Diego went silent again, thinking. 

The whooshing of the cars in the background depicted the speed of their mind wavering from one point to another.

The officer who called had given an informal update on the ink dating of the letters the brothers had submitted two days ago. 

They had received a total opposite report from what they expected it to be.

"The letters are dated from year 2014 - 2018. The aging on the inks tallies with the dates written on the letters. These are genuine letters with no forgery done." 

Thiyagu seem to be lost as well. "Do you think this could be someone's work?" he asked

"I don't know. We did not tell anyone about this except Ella..." Diego's mind drifted and he spoke again. 

"do you think this could be Luciana's work, itself?" Diego asked.

"Hmmm.... maybe but to persuade a forensic officer, Luciana needs to have a certain power to overrule him. 

Big money.

Which she doesn't... at least at the moment..."


After spending some more time pondering on the same matter, both somehow had convinced that they were only exaggerating the fact the Luciana isn't Ara Agosti only because they did not want her to be her. That they were unnecessarily trying to find loopholes to prove Luciana wrong.


After a four hour long meeting, Diego managed to escape himself from the many delegates that were present for the meeting. Their conversation seems to have no ending despite the meeting that has come to an end long ago. 

Diego took a cab to the forty-five minute drive to the nearest lake in Rome. The lake is an almost hidden place of serenity that it's nature were mostly untouched, located in the middle of medieval village.

He sat on a huge rock by the side of the lake. Such a tranquility, the calmness of the lake instantly brought peace to his mind.

The vast scenery of the calm water had shun away all of the unwanted thoughts, unnecessary worries and unimportant matters off his head for the moment.

He took deep breaths, watching the water ripples forming as mild wind blew. The water radiating ripples caught the sunset on the water surface, he eyes then darted to the sky. 

The orange hues however reminded him of someone special. The corners of his mouth turned up. 

He wondered, why did she asked for his favorite color all of a sudden?  

Fishing out his mobile and he dialed her number. 

No one picked up the call. He tried a few more times only to get disappointed. 

'Where could she be?'

He tried one more time. This time to Carlo, Ella's bodyguard he had assigned to keep an eye on her. 

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