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Diego had been working all along the weekend finishing up his pending work. The silence in the office helped him concentrate better especially without the unwanted disturbance. He had planned on focusing back in finding Ara once the week kick-starts.

As Monday begin, the first thing Diego wanted to do was meet Louis. The fact the Louis had sent Luciana three consecutive days to get his approval and signature for the pricing and development documents, frustrated him. 

Luciana now stood in front of Diego's desk, fidgeting with her fingers and with her eyes fixed to the floor. Diego had called her in right after getting the explanations he needed from Louis. 

"So, Luciana" Diego broke the pregnant silence that went on since Luciana entered his office.

Her head snapped up to the sudden call of her name, "Yes, sir"

"Tell me, why did you take all the trouble to bring me one file a day when Louis had given you all of them together?" Diego had his eyes fixed on her making her even more nervous. 

"I—I thought you — uhm — it might be too heavy a work to do all in a day" she stammered under his intimidating gaze. 

"Thank you for your concern, Luciana. But —" Diego stopped. She looked like she was in a verge of crying if he continues to say another word. He shook his head and shifted his gaze back to his computer screen. 

"Next time, either you bring all the files that need my approval and signature together or leave it on my desk for me to check when I'm back. Understand?" she merely nodded and left the office room. 

Diego leaned back on the chair, "I'm going to kill you, Ella" he whispered yelled clenching his fist in the air. Had she not given Luciana's resume to the HR, Luciana wouldn't be here but it happened and that angered him more. 

Why? He had no idea to why he is angry on Ella. 

What is eventually disturbing him, Luciana's presence or Ella's action?

Diego groaned as his voice echoed around his office. 


After lunch hour Diego decided to call his secretively hired IT expert to further try on other possible ways to find a missing person. Diego made sure the information of finding a dead person who is actually alive, be kept away from his employee' knowledge. So, no one gets any news about his search that might make it even difficult than it is now. 

With technology that have vastly grown, Diego had the little hope he might find Ara soon through the help of his IT expert, Terzo. 

"Sir, rest assure. Technology has advance so much, it can help us find the person you are looking for, in no time" Terzo grin snapping his fingers twice. 

"Excellent! That exactly what I want. A quick result." Diego patted Terzo's shoulder and walked to his seat behind the desk. 

"I will need a photograph of the person, sir. We can track them using the traffic cameras or other security systems picking up on people's face" 

Diego messaged his temples, now where will he find a picture of Ara. The last he saw her was when she was only four years old. His eyes shifted to the computer screen, a picture of three or possibly four year-old Ara was saved as the screen background. 

"I don't have a recent picture of her. Do you think her four year-old face can be picked from the traffic cameras?" Diego asked though he was sure it is near impossible. 

Terzo had his mouth wide open for a moment, "Sir, don't mind me asking. What is her current age?" 

"23. 24" 

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