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Lazaro and Thomas opted to follow Ella and Carlo in another car just to be safe that there won't be another unexpected attack. After the sudden encounter at her apartment, both Thomas and Lazaro were equally stressed and worried. 

Ella had no say on it as they insisted to follow till her car gets into the Moretti house compound safely. They were not going to let any encounter be overlooked easily here after. 

Carlo received a call on their way from Diego, he had asked him to bring Ella to Alfonso's house. As they had arranged a non-record procedure to do the DNA test through the police department in order to not have any mishap in future along with the ink dating of the letter she received. 

However, they had to pass the Moretti house.

For the next fifteen minutes, the ride to the house was smooth that they were nearly convinced, there will not be any attack here after. They had passed every major roads and were on a quieter street towards Moretti house when their car was blocked by several more cars in the front. 

"Shit!" Carlo cursed as he stomped on the brakes. He held his hand on his earpiece and spoke. 

"Where are you?! We are blocked on the small street ahead" he whispered yelled in desperation, scanning the rear view mirror and around. No one from any of the car had got down yet. Hence he wasn't sure how many are there. 

Minutes after, another car came to a screeching halt. 

Lazaro and Thomas immediately got down and rushed to the car in front of theirs. They had guns ready to fire. 

Carlo too joined the two, looking out for intruders while Lazaro spoke to his friends on the phone requesting them to join the scene. He anticipated they could be easily out numbered with the number of cars stood crisscrossed ahead blocking the road entirely. 

"Stay in the car and do not get out. Am I clear?" Thomas ordered Ella.

"But what if I have to?" she asked. 

He looked around and scanned the place again. The road was almost emptied on purpose. 

"Diego, always keeps a gun in all his cars. There should be one in the dashboard too. You are good at shooting. I know that. Have the gun with you, pull the safety and ready to shot when you are getting out and keep low. 

Shoot whoever comes on your way. Clear?" Thomas said and nodded as Ella took out the gun from the dashboard, ejected the magazine out before pushing them in. 

She nodded to his instruction as she watched Lazaro and Carlo move around pointing the gun everywhere. No one had turned up yet. 

This could a trick as well. 

They waited.

However, the wait did not last long as bullets begin flying through the air out from the cars opposite them. Ella ducked herself down in the car while the rest took cover behind the vehicle, firing at the men that were now coming out of the car one by one. She stiffened as the firing of bullets went on, none stop. 

She couldn't just sit in hiding. Those men out there are risking their life to save her's. Ella carefully opened the car door and sneaked out using the open door as a shield. She peaked once out. Marked her target and pulled the trigger at her aim that was firing towards Thomas. 

More bullets were aimed at them. Did these men came to finish all of them once and for all, she thought as she crawled to the back of the car. Carlo sat down leaning against the car, he held his arm as blood started oozing out through of his coat. 

"Oh my god! Carlo. Are you okay?" she asked reaching for his bloodied arm.

"Yes, I am" he nodded. "I have run out of bullets" he said showing his empty gun. 

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