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"I told you dad. Stop doing this, you are digging your own grave. 

Isn't it enough that you killed Demetrio Agosti? Why are you after his daughter, now?" the young man who sat opposite Gasparo fumed. 

"I'm after the company. Not his daughter. The company can earn us millions, son! Millions!" Gasparo hissed, the smoke emitting for the now burnt cigar was choking the young man.

"I hope you don't end up in millions of news headlights while chasing after the million-dollar company." he retorted. 

"Lazaro! I sometimes doubt if you are even my son." 

"I am, unfortunately..." huffed Lazaro. 

"Lazaro! Never did any heir of the Savano Cartel ever spoke this way to their father. You are disrespecting me, son!

I regret sending you to the military, thinking you would always be there to bring us out of mess when time comes. I made a mistake" Gasparo now shook his head, disappointed. 

"Well, I am extremely grateful you did. Otherwise I would have end up being heartless like you..." 

"I'm not heartless, son and you know that"

"Then why? Why are you after Ara Agosti when your revenge should have ended the day Demetrio Agosti was killed?" Lazaro asked

Gasparo stayed silent for a long time. 

"No! It doesn't end there. Not until I have Agosti Firearms in my name. Not until I get to rule the world of firearms. His company benefits us, son. And to get the company his daughter needs to die." Gasparo took a long puff from his cigar before releasing the smoke out of his mouth. 

"Weren't you one of them who also loved Ara Agosti when she was a baby? Mother told me how much you loved her like your own daughter... So, why don't you let her live? Talk to her and get company instead of killing her" 

"I pretended. I never loved my enemy's daughter. Your mother have been mistaken. And letting her roam freely means the company isn't entirely our's, son. She has to die for that.

I don't want you to come interfere in my matter. You remember your promise and stay to it. All you have to do is protect our cartel not our enemy" 

Lazaro stared at  the grey headed man.

"I'm warning you again, father. Stop going after Agosti Firearms and Ara Agosti. As far as I know, you have nothing else to do after Demetrio Agosti's death. Are you being taunted by someone....?

Anyways, put a stop to this!

Otherwise... " Lazaro shrugged and stormed out of the room with disappointment. 

Lazaro's intention to meet his father after a lengthy gap, was to persuade. To change his father's plan that he had kept in store for the last Agosti but he failed. Being a military personnel, Lazaro knew what his father does for a living is wrong. Especially when his job revolves with everything illegal. But he had made a promise to protect their cartel and he never goes back from his words.

However, he knows how to get things done his way.

Lazaro D'Luca an obedient son and was always seen as an example by Gasparo's men. He was the ideal son Gasparo could ask for. He was the son that wished to see his father happy. 

And knowing that the happiness of his father lies in the destruction of The Agosti, he too assimilated his father's vengeance in him. The environment too wasn't any less of an encouragement as all he sees were guns, goons and blood.

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