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"Ella! Stay with me... Hold on. Just hold on a little longer... Oh god, what have I put you through..."

Those faint voices kept ringing in her louder as the bright light she was surrounded with slowly faded out.

'Hold on, Hold on please...' the voice echoed.

Ella instantly squeezed her hand to whatever that was on hers. It took several moment for her to sluggishly work on what happened. She was shot, that was all she could remember.

"She is waking up" someone said.

"Is she? Thank God!" spoke another voice. It seems like she knew the voices but they wasn't recognisable.

With the surrounding getting louder, Ella force fluttered her eyes open attempting to clear her blurry vision. The wounds on her leg and back shot a sharp pain when she made an effort to move, she winced.

As her vision slowly cleared out, she first caught a glimpse of Diego who stood next to her bed, his eyes welled up. It was the first time in that many days Diego felt alive, he smiled with a sigh of relieve while a drop of tear made its way out of his eyes.

She reciprocated with a weak smile then muttered something almost inaudible to Diego after sometime. He brought his ear closer, she repeated in a coarse, breathy tone, "Stop crying. I'm fine now"

Diego only shook his head, he found no words coming through his mouth except for the huge smile that was plastered on his face.

"What happened? How long have I been here?" she asked.

"You got two bullet holes in your body and you have been laying here unconscious for the past five freaking days" Thiyagu came and sat on the bed next to her.

"five days..." she mumbled looking nowhere in particular.

"Yes, For five looooong days.... but...

Guess what, El? No more chasing. No more fighting. No more shooting. 

We can go to Venice like we had planned, what say? And only with the two of us. No Diego" Thiyagu stick his tongue out at Diego and got down from the bed as soon as the doctor entered the room.

They had rush Ella to the clinic Gasparo and his men always gets treated most of the time. With the bullet shots and bruises Ella had, going to a general hospital, would most probably invite police and investigation unnecessarily. Hence, it was safer to be at the clinic Gasparo recommended.

Soon after the doctor did his usual check up, he exchanged a few words with the nurse before turning to speak with Ella.

"Ms. Arabella, you got shot on the calf of your leg, the muscles and tissues around the hole is torn pretty badly. Mostly because of the distance between you and the shooter wasn't far, the impact seems to be high....

 You will have difficulties in walking for sometime. So, we will need to check on your walking pattern in a few days.

As for your back, you are lucky it did not hit any of the vital organs otherwise chances of you surviving is almost impossible....

Why do you'll even get yourself into all these?..." the doctor mumbled and shook his head as if it was Ella who shot herself and got admitted. Nevertheless, none said a word until he left right after giving her medication for the day.

"Damn! That doctor, is he okay? Why does his statement sound like you are shooting each other for fun?" Thiyagu slouch on the couch, annoyed with the doctor.

"Shut up Thiyagu", Diego laughed and turned his attention back to Ella who abruptly winced.

"What happened?"

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