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It was as if he owns JobLane company, Diego had called up Ella's boss and informed that Ella is down with high fever and she will not be able to get off the bed for the next two days. A phone call from the Moretti and there wasn't anymore questions asked. 

Medical leave, granted. 

In other words, house arrested.  

"I can't be staying here all day, Diego!" Ella followed the tempered Diego who did not exchange much words to her since morning.

"The doctor had said I'm okay and I can go to work. Why are you locking me in the house?" Diego continued to ignore Ella as he marched to the kitchen. 

"Diego! I'm talking to you!" she grabbed his arm and stopped him in the middle of a hallway.

"I had enough of you fooling me around. I don't want you to be out there and get into another attack that will make me regret. What you have been is more than enough. So, zip up your mouth and stay here. Ma, will be a good company for you" 

Chandra watched the two from afar, she had grew fond of seeing them together. She had even ditched the idea of getting Diego tie the knot to Ara as soon as she was found, instead envisions Diego and Ella to get married. A broad smile plastered on her face as she imagines the couple happily married. 

"Ma!" Diego's call pulled her out from her dream world. 

"What is it?"

"I need you to keep an eye on her, ma. Make sure she doesn't leave the house" 

"Oh that I will, piece of cake" she said, beaming with joy on assuming how caring Diego is to the lady. 

"but ma, I need to go work. You can't just let Diego lock me here" Ella stomped her feet in protest.

"I told you yesterday, you listen to me not I listen to you. There are enough blunder you have made" 

The breakfast went on with small talks and lots of silence between the four. Ella was in her own world, mentally crushing Diego down for locking her in the house while Diego tried to replay a few key points Ella told last night. 

There were so much she told and he believes it has some hidden hints that might lead them to the person involved in this atrocity. 

And one of the key point was about the Demetrio Agosti's will. How did someone apart from him and his parents knew about it. 

'Will Gabriella tell about it to anyone? I don't think so, she is a loyal advocate'  Diego tried to reflect with the little information he got from Ella. 

As Diego slowly munched his breakfast, he got himself engaged in a debate, mentally. 'Who could have shared the information about the will?'

He looked across the table, his mother. Will Chandra share this matter to anyone else? 'No, ma won't do it. She is too naive' he watched as Chandra indulged in thinking about something that made her smile plastered on her face for a long time. 

Diego's gaze then fell on the person seated next to Chandra who was silently tearing the bread into pieces. 

'This woman wouldn't have told. In fact she doesn't even know about it, Ella couldn't be the one'  he was positive about that. Diego ignored the murdering stare Ella shot at him and switched his focus on the only person left. 

Bernardo. Can his father be the one sharing information? Diego couldn't find an answer that could defend Bernardo to be not involved in this. For the matter of fact, he highly doubts that his father is innocent in this matter. Those signs were enough for Diego to mark Bernardo for all these mess and he need to keep an eye on his father.

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