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"I said I can take care of myself, Diego!" Ella said as they walked out of the elevator to her apartment. 

Diego had been hell-bent to follow her back home and offered to stay with her for the night. "Whatever, Ella. You will need me later. So, shut up", he said every time she asked. 

It was a face palm moment went she could not longer use her old keys to the new door. Diego had then stepped in with the new set of keys for her house.

"Told you. You will need me" he said with a victory smile as he walked in to the house and waited for her to come in.

"Thank you so much, signore" she said with a fake smile.

The entire night, Ella spent recalling her forgotten skills that she might need for the meeting. She wasn't sure if she is about to meet one man or a group of them. Bring mentally prepared seemed to be better precaution than being in an unexpected situation.

Ella checked herself again on her comfortability in her attire. She had readied her mind and thought of all circumstances that could occur at the meet. Some of the possibilities that she came up with was she might need to run miles, fight longer or use a weapon.

She carefully walked out of the house making sure not to make any noise that would wake her bodyguard, Diego. She blew on her palms and rub them together to ease the coldness once he made it out of the apartment building.

With the final check of not being followed, Ella headed to the location Zaro shared a few minutes ago.


Ella found herself in a middle of an abandoned road. There stood a lone structure, reaching the sky...it was left disregarded with no one near it. Overtime the bricks had weakened, the paint wore off and layers of dust coated over it. The building surely looked aged.

It had been abandoned but was taken over by pigeons fluttering in the rooms. Located far from the city centre. Ella mentally calculated, she took a deep breath, it might take her hours to get back to city if she had to run for life.

One relevant point that urged Ella to go for it despite all the doubts and fear built in her was to end it. End the game for good for she had gone tired being chased by people who aren't brave enough to do it face-to-face.

She walked in further into the empty building, scanning around.

"Ella Falco! Glad to see you after a long time, signorina!" came a loud voice. Turning around to the source of the voice, she met the man who were responsible for all the silent chaos.

The familiar grey eyes bore into hers. The man she had knew for years ago. But there was something in between them.

A gun.

Pointed directly to her.

Ella had figured this much that she will be facing a gun point but this was way too soon. Anyhow, she wasn't shaken at the sight as she was already prepared. She kept her gaze locked on the cold grey eyes before she loosens up, distracting her opponent by shifting her gaze to somewhere behind him.

Zaro's focus shifted a little giving Ella an opportunity to professionally shift the gun from his hand to hers.

She smirked at the smoothens her skilled hands worked. A skill that had no practice for a long time.

"Not bad. Not bad at all for an ex-military school drop-out." Zaro commented and swiftly pointed another riffle he took from the back of his pants.

"Sometimes, my skills surprise me too. Captain Lazaro" Ella said keeping the gun pointed at him.

"No doubt, your memory is sharper than I thought" said the man who once was her trainer eight years ago.

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