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He pulled her closer to him wrapping his arms around her. It was a friendly hug at first and slowly it turned into a little more intense embrace. Perhaps it was a fragile beginnings of love. The arms that held him were soft yet strong. The feel of her body so close to his soothed him more than he expected. In a jiff, there was nothing to be worried about. 

His hug was strong than ever they had hugged before. This was different, it begin to mean and feel different. She was so close to him, she could hear his heart beating loud. It was cold yet she felt warm in his embrace. Why does this feel different now? 

They had hugged each other even before but it felt nothing like this. 

It was something she longed for, a protective one, a soothing one, the one that could calm her turbulent mind. A solace she never needed until a few hours ago.

"You should leave for good, Ella.... Thank you for everything.... Only if you leave, I can fullfil my promise to Demetrio" these words spoke by the man of the Moretti house ringed in her ears again and again.

The words that made her retire to bed early, resurfaced. She tighten her hold on him as if the voice would vanish.

"Don't go. Please stay" he whispered to her ears.

"You must leave" the voice played in her mind.

"I still need you here"

"The longer you are here, the harder for me to fulfill my promise"

Ella slowly retreated from his embrace. She forced herself not to let her feeling control her.

"I must leave. I can't stay here anymore" she said almost whispering.


"I just want to leave. I want to go back home" she whispered and turned to see anyone anyone around. 

The fireworks have ended and the terrace was back to complete darkness. Diego quickly came to be aware that they were not the only ones in the terrace.

He grabbed her hand and stomped out of the terrace.

The conversation wasn't over yet and if he were to continue discussing about the matter up there, they will eventually be dragging his family's attention.

Diego dragged her to her room and locked the door in order to have an uninterrupted conversation.

"Tell me why you should leave?" He asked with hands on his hips.

"I have to leave Diego I can't stay here any longer" she protested.

"Just tell me why!"

"There is nothing to say, Diego. I want to go"

"I want you to stay. Just don't go. Not yet."

"Why should I even stay? Ara is here. The lost daughter of Mr. Agosti is here. My job is done. What else could be the reason for me to stay?"

"Nope. It's not over yet, Ella."

"I can't Diego. You don't force me to stay! I have to leave. Do you get it."

"Why? Why can you stay here?" 

I have a job to do Diego. You are locking me within this house not letting me out. I have got that job with lot of hard work. And you are doing this. Locking me in here... 

I may lose this job because of you!"

"You can still go work from here. I myself will drop and pick you up . If you want."

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