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Diego stared at nowhere in particular. He had forced to stay at home for another day, soon after his mother came in earlier in the morning to check his injured leg. His laptop has snatched from him as well since Chandra spotted him using it last night.

Diego groan in frustration, sitting idle isn't an easy job after all. His mind kept wavering in every direction; past, present and future. The past have been all about Demetrio and him. The present, finding Ara, one of the trickiest situation he is in currently. The future? He hasn't really thought about the future yet. Maybe he will figure it out after finding Ara. 

We might find Ara in the orphanage Mr. Agosti had been visiting. According to Thomas, Mr. Agosti visits the church and orphanage alone often. 

He leaned his head on the headboard as he recalled the conversation he had with Thomas and Ella. "If he had kept Ara hidden in the church, did she attended uncle D's funeral?" Diego questioned.  

If she attended the funeral than he certainly had missed the highest chance to reach her. How will he know which one among of those hundred people was she?  

Diego shut his eyes as he tried to recall the unfamiliar faces he saw during the funeral. Many faces flashed but wasn't wholly sure which one was Ara. He let out a heavy sigh, he wasn't able to get any clue none leading to Ara. Every trial ended in a failure. 

What next?

Before he could start figuring out his next step, a knock on the door interrupted his thought process. The door opened a little, Bernardo's head came in first. 

"Are you busy, son?" he asked as he stood at the doorway.

"Do I look like I'm busy, dad?" Diego sounded a little irritated with his dad's question.

"Ohho, sorry son. I thought you might have engrossed into something else other than working in you laptop. Anyways, you have someone to keep you busy now." Bernardo said as he stepped aside to let the someone in. 

Diego widened his eyes only to get a clearer vision of whom he did not want to meet. The last time, he had the one responsible for this to send her back without meeting him but now. His father had brought her here. 


"Your secretary is here for your signature" said that Bernardo left the two awkwardly staring everywhere but at each other. 

Minutes gone by until Diego decided to break the silence. "Yes, Ms. Luciana. What is the document about that it can't wait till I get back to office?" he asked with his eyes now fixed on her. 

Her heart fluttered upon hearing her name from him.

Fidgeting a little to the effect of his tone, Luciana stammered. "I- I came... I mean, Mr. Louis sent me to get signature from you. It's about the new pricing that has been quoted to the Turkish Army" she slowly walked to the side of the bed and handover the twenty-five pages of document. 

Shortly, after Luciana left Bernardo walked in and took a seat on the couch. 

"All good, son?" he started.

"So far so good" Diego answered and continued to read the business magazine he had asked one of his staff to get for him. 

"Excellent! Since everything is under control, perhaps you can start focusing on your personal affairs" Bernardo suggested. 

"Personal affairs?" he asked raising a brow. 

"Don't you think that it's time you settle down, build family..." 

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