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Ella got herself busied with her pending work that hasn't come to an end for the past two days. Thanks to Diego for messing up with her working scheduled by intentionally locking her in his house. However, she was highly grateful to her team for filling up in her absences.

"Hey, you have a visitor" one of her team mates popped her head around the door.

"Visitor?" before Ella could ask about the unexpected visitor, she was greeted by the person itself in her office.

"Hello there! How's your life going, Ms. Ella Falco?" Luciana stride in and settled on one of the seats in front of the desk.

Ella studied her unexpected visitor's new look for some time. Expensive dress, new bag, huge sunglasses, her hair styled and her face decked with heavy makeup. She looked much different than the old and simple Luciana.

Seem like money speaks louder.

She was impressed with how quick Luciana's fashion sense had changed. Then she remembered, it isn't difficult for someone like her to change her style when she can effortlessly show a different personality, all together.

"It has been always good. So, what brought you here, Luciana?" Ella remained stoic. Luciana's body language was evident enough to understand that she isn't here for a friendly visit.

"Ara. It's Ara Agosti" Luciana corrected.

"Tch...It's still Luciana for me. The lawyers haven't declared anything yet." countered Ella as she settled comfortably on her seat.

"Alright, what do you want, Ms. Luciana?"

A sly grin work across her face, "To let you know that what you wished will never come true"

"What do you mean?" Ella furrowed her brows.

"That Diego will never be mine" Luciana hissed in a low voice.

"Are you serious? What are you trying to prove here? I don't even remember saying that.

It doesn't make sense—" Ella was interrupted.

"It makes all the sense, Ella.

I came to you seeking for your help in which you turned your back to me. I had —"

"Wait what?!" Ella swiftly reacted to her statement.

"I turned my back? You must have a very bad memory. Didn't I do my part by introducing you to him, getting you a job in the company and tried to give the best impression about you to him? Isn't that call help?!

What do you want me to do? Force Diego to fall in love with you?!

Look, Luciana. You have already gone over your limits when the last time we spoke about this. Don't bring it up again" Ella warned Luciana firmly by keeping her anger in control.

"Don't bring it up? Why? So, no one will know that you are equally avid for Diego. And intentionally made him throw me out of the job?"

"Hey. Listen, I have nothing to do with his decision and don't you dare put me equal with you.

You asked, I helped. If Diego isn't interested in you, what am I supposed to do? Go after him so, he falls for you? You should take responsible for whatever happened instead of coming here" Ella spoke gently to the exasperating Luciana.

She now stood, leaning on the wall behind her desk with arms across her chest.

"Me? You are responsible for everything! It's because of you that he never allowed me to get close to him. It's because of you that he never showed interest in me. It's because of you that he threw me out of the company.

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