~* 17 *~

426 63 64

Something went wrong. So, republishing it together with the next update.


The paralysing hurt spread through his body like icy, liquid metal. Diego clenched his fist as he hesitantly took each step after a through scan of the house. He now stood at the hallway of the entrance once again, looking through the messed house that had been perfectly arranged just few minutes ago. 

Rubbing his face with the palm of his hand, he tried to think what could have happened during his absences and where could Ella be. 

He did the logical thing one would do, to call her. Diego wasn't sure why but the fear she might have been harmed made his fingers tremble while they tried to type her number on the mobile screen.

"What on the freaking earth happened to my house?" came a voice he was dying to hear from the moment he found the house in such devastating condition.

Spinning towards the source of the voice, he met the surprised looking Ella. 

"Ella!" he said in much relieve. 

Diego's legs worked faster than his brain as he engulfed her into a bone crushing hug. He never knew the last ten minutes of Ella's absences could make him feel so horrified. The tension melted into nothing. Ella is here and she is fine.

"Are you alright?" was the first thing he asked after breaking the tight hug.

"Of course, I am." Ella replied quite surprised with his sudden reaction and scanned her house again. "But what did you do to my once perfect house" she asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

Diego studied her for a moment, that question of hers clearly indicates that she doesn't have any knowledge on what happened here.

"Where were you all this while?" Diego asked with little anger and concern in his voice. 

"At the reception on the second floor. What did you do? Broke into my house?!" 

"It's not what I did. It's supposed to be who did this?"

"Is that a question or an information?" Ella asked as she paced further into her house to check for any valuables went missing. Surprisingly none of her valuable items were lost. In fact everything except the living room are just as how she left them.

Diego find the entire situation too skeptic to believe it as just a breakthrough case. If that was the reason, none of Ella's valuable would have survived.

"If that's a question, than the answer is I don't know. If it's an information, I don't know either" she spoke since Diego did not reply to her.

Ella tried to recollect her memory. She vividly remembered going out of her apartment minutes after Diego left and there was no one at the corridor. Could it be possible someone was waiting for Diego to leave her house so they could get in? To attack her?

Ella took a deep breath, she feared this could be the 'bad guys' attempting to warn or worst harm her as she and Diego had made another attempt to find Ara again.

"Pack your necessary stuffs. We will leave in fifth-teen minutes" Diego announced pulling her out of her reverie as he walked out of her room.

"Excuse me?! Please explain why should I pack my stuffs?"

He did not say a word but continued to walk pass Ella and out to the door.

"Fifth-teen minutes" he told tapping his watch leaving Ella in the middle of a messy living room.


Why would someone break into her house? What could their motive be if they wasn't there to rob?
Diego kept asking these questions as he marched to the security room.

With the help of the head security guard of the apartment, Diego manage to get the permission to watch the CCTV footage that focused on the fourth floor specifically.

Much to his surprise, there were four men waiting outside Ella's apartment at time he was in. And within twenty seconds they left the floor disappeared down through the emergency staircase.

And soon after Diego left, Ella was seen leaving her apartment too and headed towards the elevator. It was during this time that the men broke into her apartment. Diego concluded that these men must have been waiting outside the apartment for him to leave and ransack Ella's apartment before leaving when they found no sign of Ella in the house. 

'Who are these people?'

Though the footage did not give any proper hint, it surely gave Diego a faint need to protect Ella for some reason or the other. Diego made sure to take a copy of the fourth floor CCTV footage, for him to further get Thomas's assistance on this matter.

"Ready?" He asked as soon as he entered her apartment through the broken door.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me why should I leave my house?" Ella asked angrily staring nowhere in particular.

The packed luggage at the corner of the wall near her bedroom told him she was ready. Diego shook his head at the tantrum the lady dress in white was showing. 

"Can you see this?" He showed the broken door.

"Do you think it's safe for you to stay for the night in a house without a door? Especially after knowing someone tried to breakthrough your house?"

"I still have my room door perfectly fine" she protested.

Throwing his hands in the air, Diego groaned before getting her luggage.

"I have no time to argue with you here. We will continue that on-the-go" he said picking the gift bag that was placed on the coffee table.

"Idiota" she murmured walking behind him. "What about the door and my house, signore? We are leaving it just like that for anyone to get in"

"I'll send someone tomorrow to fix it" he replied walking ahead of her.

It was almost quarter past two in the morning when they arrived at the Moretti's house. Diego had decided to keep Ella safe with him until he finds out about these mysterious men and how Ella is connected to them. 

Despite Ella's protest along the way, leaving her alone there did not seem to be a good idea for him, hence this was the best he could think of at the moment. 

Not being able to sleep, Diego walked out to his balcony as the chilly winter breeze blew stronger compared to few hours ago. He mentally made a note to speak to the man he hired to watch Ella on any recent encounter that might have lead to the break in.  Also to be extra watchful over her from now on.

  Right now there were two things for him to worry about. One, finding Ara Agosti. Two, Ella's safety.   

'Are these two interrelated? Am I missing something?' Diego asked himself.


Sorry for the crappy update. I tried my best not to make this chapter junky :P 

I know its bad but I hope its not as bad as I think it is.....

ALSO, Apologies for the late update. I had to attend an event and I fell sick because its rainy season over here. 

I would like to thank all of you who commented on the last update. You guys are the best. 

Love you all.

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