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bryce hall

"yo you know that Besson kid" Zach exclaims getting to the lunch table

"what about him" Nick asks

"do you remember his cousin when we were all friends"

"oh yeah she was here for like a week in the summer" i say finally remembering

"yeah well turns out her parents died and shes living with Corbyn and his band"

"how do you know that" Edwin asks

"she was talking to her friend from a while ago in English and i heard but thats not whats important the important part is she's hot and shes single"

everyone turns and looks at me for some reason

"what?" i ask suspicisly

"we all know you and her had a thing"

"what?!?! no i didnt"

"Bryce, she was your first kiss you guys definitely had a thing. you should go after her"

"shes not even in any of my classes"

"well shes in your lunch go say hi"



Zach points to the entrance of the cafeteria as 6 people walk in. its the why dont we boys and some girl and wow shes hot. as they walk in closer i notice that its the girl Ellianna, Zach was talking about

"see she's hot go say hi"

they defintely wont stop bothering me until i go so i decide to just give in and say hi to her

"fine ill go"

i get up and walk over to where she's sitting

"hey, Ellianna right?" i ask

"um yeah im sorry but who are you?" she asks

"oh my names Bryce"

"oh well hi bryce um this is my cousin corbyn" she motions over to her side "and um his bandmates"

"we know each other" corbyn interupts

"oh sorry i didnt know" she responds

"anyways i just wanted to say hi because we met before"

"when?" she asks

"in summer in 7th grade"

"bryce, shes not going to remember she got in a car accident and lost her memory"

"oh i didnt know that"

"no one does dont feel bad" she says smiling at me

wow she has a beautiful smile

"well i just wanted to say hi" i start to leave

"wait" she says stopping me from leaving


"can i see if we possibly have any classes together id like to have other friends then just my cousin"

"hey whats so wrong with me"

"nothing i just need a break from you i mean i do live with you"


"anyways heres my next classes" she says handing me her phone with her schedule on it

"oh we have the last 3 classes together"

"oh cool"

i leave the table satisfied with how the meeting went

"so how'd it go"

"she doesnt remember me at all... but we're in the last classes together"

"great now all you gotta do is get her number"

"why are you so obsessed with getting me with her"

"for youtube duh" Zach answers

"what do you mean for youtube"

"easy you go out with her she shows up in our videos and boom we have a lot of veiws"

"you're not using my potential girlfriend for views, besides corbyn would kill me"

"he won't do shit. he can barely kill a fly"

"come on dude think about it. hot girl in thumbnail = a million views immediately dont you want a million veiws"

"i mean yeah but i also want a real relationship with this girl"

"maybe its not a good idea, he really likes her. even though she has no recollection of them and he just saw her for the first time in 5 years"

"either way you get to be in a relationship with her and i mean you cant really stop us from filming her sooo"

"whatever fine if we end up dating AND SHE AGREES TO IT i will allow you guys to film us"

"aye thanks for being a team player"

i roll my eyes and the lunch bell rings singalling the end of lunch and the start of the new class.

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