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"wow that is one great movie" i say stretching after Titanic finishes

"you know i didn't like it any more the second time then i did the first"

"i don't think we can be friends anymore. sorry but this is my movie and if you don't like it i don't like you"

"wow i'm sad now. you just hurt my feelings deeply."

"oh well what can-"

"oh how cute. you guys are absolutely disgusting" bryce says walking in the house

we both look up at him staring at us and i roll my eyes

"oh you're home?" Edwin says

"unfortunately. now can you please get that slut out of my house"

"excuse me what did you just call me" i say

"a slut. seriously first you're with me and now you're already on my friend."

"first of all i'm not with Edwin we're just friends. and second didn't you fuck a girl right after i left your house. if anything you're the slut"

"boys can't be sluts"

"right right double standards. so then what does that make you if you act like a slut but you're a boy"

"just a boy that likes girls"

"ah-ha i see well Edwin i think i'm going to go i don't like being around sexist people so bye" i get up to leave and he takes my arm

"don't leave come on he's an idiot. you're not a slut"

"i'm sorry i really like you Edwin and i really want to be your friend but i just can't deal with having to see him all the time"

"no please"

"i'm sorry Edwin but i have to go now please don't try and call me"

"no!" he yells before i go

i can't stay here any longer especially not with Bryce

i walk out of the house without looking back and start to head home

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