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Its the next day and I did not get ANY sleep last night

I was thinking about my parents the whole time and I just couldn't fall asleep

At least I'm not going to school today

I get ready... well I just put on Edwin's clothes from yesterday and Corbyn brings me to his house

I smile as I knock on the door

However when I open it my smile immediately falls as Bryce opens the door

"Why are you here?" He asks me

"I came to see Edwin"

"Wow you're moving on fast"

"Edwins my friend. If anyone it's you who's moving on I mean seriously another girl right after I leave what's wrong with you"

"Exactly I'm moving on from you so why are you showing up at my house"

"As I said I'm here for Edwin. I thought you'd be at school by now"

"Well, I'm not... Wait if you and Edwin are just friends why are you wearing his clothes"


"Um these are mine what are you talking about"

"I know what his merch looks like but you know I don't really care now please move so I can get to school"

I roll my eyes and move away

he hits my shoulder on the way out and I roll my eyes again

he's so childish

I walk into the house and go straight towards Edwin's room

knocking, I hear a "come in"

I accept and walk into his room

"oh hey Ellianna what are you doing here"

"well my cousin and they went to school so I thought maybe I could hang out with you"

"sure well I'm making the most out of my suspension and sleeping in. you're welcome to come in with me"

"are you sure" I blush at his offer

truth is I really really REALLY want to go in his bed and cuddle with him

I mean look at his face he seems like such a great cuddler

I think I'm falling for him

"of course get in" he pats a spot next to him and I lay down

I wait for him to move me closer before I make a move

he immediately wraps his arms around me and I smile

"you're a great hugger," he tells me


"well you're so small and you fit perfectly in my arms"

I feel myself blush even harder and I start to drift off

I really like him

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