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We get to my house and he walks me to my door

"Thank you for letting me stay and wear these"

"Of course"

"When do you want them back?"

"You can keep them"



"Omg Yay I'm wearing this tomorrow"

"Okay you do that" he laughs and gives me a hug

"Well Thank you again."


He leaves and I go inside my house

I go straight to my room and sleep
"Wake up" I open my eyes and Daniels in my bed


"It's dinner"

"Ew I'm not hungry" I mumble turning around so my face is in my pillow

"Well you gotta eat"

"Corbyn's going to ask questions"

"Well of course. We want to make sure you're okay"

"I'm fine."

"Yeah well you got slapped today"


"Ellie please"


I roll my eyes and get out of bed

I tiredly walk downstairs and lay my head on the kitchen table

"Ellie pick your head up it's dinner" Corbyn says

Ew he's acting like my dad

No worse then my dad

My dad was nice

"Ugh I just want to sleep I'm tired"

"What are you wearing"


"Those aren't yours"

"Yeah so"

"Ellie who's clothes are those"

"Edwins" I mumble


"Edwins" I say a little big louder


"Relax! It's Edwins"

"So are you dating him now. Didn't you just date Br-"

"Please don't say his name. And I'm not dating him he was just really nice to me today and he let me wear this cause I was cold and uncomfortable in my original clothes"

"So you went to his house"

"Yeah I couldn't be at school and I went to his house cause he's so nice to me"

"So are you not going to go to school anymore"

"I will... when he's back"

"When does he get back"

"In three days."

"And what are you going to do in those three days when he's not at school"

"Hang with him of course. I really like him Corbyn he's super nice"

"He's using you" he says and I roll my eyes

"Not every boy is using me"

"You don't know that"

"And how do you know he's using me"

"Look the people who you're friends with are similar to how you are. Bryce And Zach use girls all the tine and Edwins their friend."

"Well you're a dick but I'm not and I'm friends with you "

"What did you just call me"

"A dick. You always have to ruin my happiness. I liked Bryce and then we fought because of you. And now I really like Edwin and you're telling me he's using me. Which doesn't even make sense cause he's a Virgin"

"He is?"

"Yup. So how can he be using me"


"Exactly now let me like him okay"

"Okay fine but if he ends up like Bryce I will go to jail for killing him"


"What i care about you. See I'm not such a dick afterall"

"Yeah but you do have a very big one" Daniel smirks and kisses Corbyns cheek

Me and the other boys all gag and Daniel shrugs

"What! I'm just being honest!"
i have no idea what i'm doing with this story if you have an idea please let me know i need help

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