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sorry for all the pov changes in this chapter

we just got to his house and i'm sitting on his bed while he changes

as i'm sitting i get more and more nervous and the more i don't want to say anything

in the back of my head though i know that i need to do it for my own sanity

"hey i'm back" he tells me walking in


he sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap

"you look really pretty"

"thanks. umm can i ask you something?"

well here goes nothing

"what is it"

"are you using me?"

"using you?"

"yeah for views on your youtube channel. recently you've been putting me in like all of them and it's just been on my mind"

"you found out" he sighs


"who told you"

"what do you mean"

"obviously someone told you what i'm doing. i'm sorry i think you're beautiful but you are also really good for the views"

"so? what does this mean"

"i'm admitting to it. look on the day of our one year date Bryce talked to me and basically gave me the idea and well i went with it"

"i'm so confused"


ha! she is so getting pranked right now

originally i was going to do the i'm cheating prank and so i put cameras up

but now that she asked me this it's perfect time for the i'm using you prank

okay that's not a real prank but i mean we get what we can get

oh also the truth is i have been using her

i mean i thought about what Bryce said and he was totally right

and it worked, after that first video i got so many views, subscribers, and followers on everything. and then on the second video i got even double the stuff

turns out putting a hot girl in a video really does get you views

and by the way i do like her and i do think she's pretty but not really in a relationship kinda way

i hate to be that asshole but as long as she thinks we're both in love with each other and she continues to be in my videos, giving me clout, we're dating

"you're right i have been using you. i don't know what else to say but sorry"

"i can't believe you" she shakes her head and i laugh

"hey babe"


"look" i point to the camera and laugh


ugh so annoying

"you just got pranked! ha!"

"you're so rude" i slap his arm and he laughs

"aw come here" he opens his arms and I walk into them giving him a hug

"but is it true" i ask

"oh yeah"

wait what

i quickly step away from him and it gets serious.

"so... you really are using me"

"i mean i didn't want it to come out this way but um-"

"wow you're such a dick" i slap him hard across the face and run out of his room

i don't even know what just happened but all i know is he used me and we broke up

wow im an idiot

that was a lot sorry

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