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9 Months Later

today is me and Edwins one year anniversary and i am so happy

i am in the best relationship ever. i can tell he loves me and i love him as well

i can't wait for tonight we're finally going on a romantic date where i can show my girly side

normally when i'm around edwin i don't wear anything girly and i stick with pants and t-shirt's

i'll sometimes wear a skirt but other than that nothing

but tonight i'm going to wear a dress and makeup which again i never do

my whole life i've never worn makeup cause i just don't see the need

but once my parents died and i was starting a new life i decided to fuck it and buy some makeup

anyways i'm currently getting ready and i'm kind of nervous

i know i shouldn't be but still what if he doesn't like how i look

ugh now i'm having second thoughts

you know what let me ask daniel he knows how to help


right now i'm getting ready for mine and elliannas date and i'm really excited

however, ive been in the bathroom for a while and i think bryce is catching on to us being together

not even just tonight but recently when she's over i've noticed he's been in the living room or close to the front door when she walks in

even one time he walked in on us making out. ellianna was on my lap facing away from him so she never found out

i'm not even sure bryce knew it was her cause from the back it didn't look like it at all

however, once she left he did come up to me and talk about seeing me with a girl

he never said her name so i'm pretty sure he has no idea

"yo hurry up i gotta pee" i hear bryce yell from outside the bathroom

"oh um i'll be out in a second"


now when i come out he's going to see what i'm wearing and be suspicious

i guess i have to face him eventually

ugh, fuck

i walk out of the bathroom and am face to face with him

"nice outfit"

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