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"oh my god turn your phone off it's so annoying" Corbyn complains

"sorry sorry"

ever since i came home my phone won't stop going off

i try to silence it but it just keeps vibrating

i know it's Edwin but i don't care

i really don't want to talk to him as long as Bryce is rude to me

yeah Edwin is hot and i really like him but i can't be with him if Bryce will make a rude comment everytime we're together

"who even is texting you?" Daniel asks me

"Edwin don't worry about it" i roll my eyes and walk away towards my room

my phone rings again and i angrily answer it

"can you stop calling me" i say as soon as i pick it up

"i'm sorry i need to talk to you"

"whatever Edwin i don't want to talk right now"

"i'm sorry. i didn't know bryce was going to come home and i didn't know what he was going to say"

"listen Edwin i don't care. i just don't want to be your friend if he's going to be too. and i'm not going to make you choose between a lifelong friend like bryce and a one day friend like me."

"but i'm willing to choose you over him"

"edwin i'm not going to make you choose that's not what i do"

"wellll i don't even like bryce so"

"in that case-"

"will you be my girlfriend"

"wait what"

"oh is that not what you were going to say"

"i mean no but-"

"so you will be my girlfriend"

"you know what sure you're cute"

"okay good. wait what just happened"

"well first you called for something and we ended up as boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"yup that's what it sounds like... well let the adventure begin"

"so do you want to come over. i mean i don't want to go to your house and be called a slut again"

"yeah yeah i'll come over i still have two more days left of suspension"

"so do you want to sleep over?"

"ask corbyn if i can"

"don't worry about corbyn he has no control over me"

"well we'll see about that"

"what do you mean"

"well if i come over and he murders me th-"

"hey he likes you"

"i hope you're right"

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