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Bryce Hall

School is finally over and I feel like today was the longest day ever

While I really want to go on this date with Ellianna but I don't want her to be in trouble with Corbyn

Ellianna Besson

To my surprise my first day wasn't that bad. Besides the fact Corbyn is being rude and not letting me go on a date with the hottest guy I've ever seen

"I still don't get why I can't go on a date with him" I say walking with Corbyn and the band to his car

"Oh my god if you keep talking about this I swear"

"But it's so not fair that I can't go on a date with someone who I really like"

"And it's so not fair that I am forced to have you live with me just because your parents didn't know how to drive and got themselves into an accident" he angrily says

Ouch what a way to hit me where it hurts

"I'm sorry that I asked to live with you instead of going to an adoption center" I say quickly running away after


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