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our date just ended and besides the beginning of bryce being annoying it was perfect

we are now on our way to my house and he's going to sleep over

i hope we do something because my cousin and the guys aren't going to be home so it's perfect

also it would be the perfect end to a perfect night

"can we stop at my house for a second?"

"sure i don't care why?"

"i want to get clothes for tonight. i know you have so many of your clothes at my house but i don't have much of mine at yours"

"oh okay then"

he grabs my hand and we continue to drive

"i really love you ellie" he tells me

"i really love you too. i can't wait till we get back to my house"

"do you want to do something special tonight?"

"what do you have in mind"

"i think you know"

"can we?"

"hey it's up to you"

"well then yes"

he kisses my hand and we get to his house
we are now back at my house and as soon as we walked in we started kissing

we drop off our things on the table and walk upstairs

we back into my room and onto my bed

wrapping my legs around his waist he takes off his shirt

"you're so beautiful" he says as he unzips my dress

he completely removes my dress, leaving me in just my bra and underwear and i begin to unzip his pants

i bite my lip as he pulls down his pants, bringing his boxers down with him

"do you have condoms?"  he asks and i nod pointing to my dresser

he quickly grabs a condom and puts it on

as he puts it on i also take off my bra and underwear

i see him get a boner and i smirk

"you're so so so prefect" he whispers

"i love you edwin"

"i love you too. are you ready"

"yes yes so ready"

"okay" he starts to kiss me as he enters me and i immediately moan

"y-you feel so good"

"you too baby you too"

he slowly starts to thrust in and out of me and i grip his hair


"i love you" he begins to pick up his pace and it feels better and better

"faster please"

he goes as fast as he can and i'm a moaning mess


"so hot" he bites his lip and starts to kiss me

we continue to kiss until we both finish

he pulls out and throws away the condom, collapsing on top of me afterwards

"happy one year babygirl"

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