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corbyn besson

i cant believe i just agreed to letting her go on a date with that dick

now youre probably wondering why i hate him so much but let me just tell you

we were all friends. the boys and me and bryce and his friends. but me and Bryce were BEST FRIENDS and inseparable.

then Ellie came to visit over the summer and Bryce found her hot. he literally told me. like who does that.

"Yo Ellianna is so hot" he told me which made me slap him upside the head

"Yeah and she's my cousin so don't do anything to her"

"I wouldn't do anything that would hurt her" he says with an evil smirk

"Yeah you wouldn't cause I'd hurt you"

"Chill I just think she is extremely hot"

"Stop calling my cousin hot"

So anyways we were having a goodbye party cause she was leaving and he had the nerve to get my cousin upstairs and try to have sex with her which I said no way too and maybe I hurt him a little

Anyways he was mad and once she left he blocked me on everything and ever since then him and his little dick head friends torment me daily yet he has the NERVE to want to go out with my cousin

Now that's why I hate the little bitch and there's no way I'll stop that. Plus he's on YouTube and he's constantly talking about the girls he's fucking and NO WAY do I want my cousin exposed to that

You're probably thinking "wow Corbyn you're an amazing cousin I wish you were mine" and yeah I know I'm the best

I wish Ellie thought that way though. Cause like I'm an AWESOME cousin to want to protect her from heartbreak like that

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