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Corbyn Besson

I am very worried for what is happening to my cousin right now

"Babe stop worrying about Ellie she'll be fine" Daniel says noticing how off I am hehe Dorbyn I love them

"It's just I know how Bryce feels about me and I'm scared he'll try and get revenge and hurt her"

"He won't hurt her I promise. Yes he has done awful things to you in the past but hurt your cousin would be super low"

"I guess I just don't want her to be broken hearted"

"Well if she is then you will know you were right. It's all a learning process."

"Ugh why are you always right"

"Cause I'm Daniel James Seavey. Now get over here and make out with me"

I roll my eyes and continue to worry

Ellianna Besson

"So all we're going to do is ask questions is that okay" Zach asks setting up the camera

"Do whatever you want"

"Okay let's start this vid"

"I'm sorry" Bryce whispers

"It's fine don't worry" I whisper back

"Okay and go!"

Zach intros the video and says that he's going to ask us questions and we'll answer and they're will be other "secretive" stuff

"Okay so first question from twitter. When did you guys meet"

Bryce nods signaling me to talk

"A while ago" I respond

"And how?"

"She was visiting her cousin and we were friends her cousin and me and at her going away party we kissed and yeah"

"Nice. Okay next people want to know your age"

"I'm 17"

"And they also want to know if you have any piercings or tattoos"

"I have my nose pierced and the whole side of my left ear but I want more in my left ear. I also used to have a tongue and lip piercing but i looked awful so I got rid of them. Oh and I also have another piercing I don't want to talk about on a really weird part of my body. I want to get rid of it but apparently it's unsafe so I'm stuck. And for tattoos I have a rose on my side and the date my parents died on my wrist."

"Okay I was not prepared for that"

"You asked" I shrug

They continue asking questions and I am having a really fun time

Me and Bryce are really getting along even though there's cameras

They finally leave us alone but the cameras still there

They said it's off but I doubt that

"So I'm curious, where is that other piercing that you didn't say"

"I will not answer that it's really embarrassing"

"What is it an eyebrow"





"Now that's not even possible"

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