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*edwins POV*

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM" I yell standing up

How dare he slap her for no reason. She was literally just saying the truth

"I-I didn't mean it"

"YOU DONT FUCKING SLAP GIRLS FOR NO REASON." I run at Bryce and push him down

I start to punch him and he fights back but before I can seriously hurt him (like I want to) we get pulled apart by teachers

"BOTH OF YOU OFFICE NOW" the teacher yells at us

Each teacher that's holding us apart brings us to the office

We get sat in the chairs and they leave

"First of all I want to say that any fighting is not acceptable in this school and especially not fist fighting. Now I'm going to let you both explain what happen and then we'll figure it out. Bryce you first"

"He just flew up and pushed me!"

"I had a reason"

"Edwin be quiet im talking to Bryce. Bryce continue" I slump in my chair and let the dick finish

"So he pushed me and then went on top of me and punched me repeatedly. I only fought back because I was defending myself"

"Okay now Edwin"

"He slapped this girl"

"No I didn't"

"Edwin you know that is a serious thing to lie about"

"Whatever this is pointless you're always going to take his side"

"That's not true"

"You're his uncle obviously you will"

"Okay that's what you believe. Anyways Edwin you started the fight so you have 3 days suspension"

"Of course"

"And Bryce you have detention tomorrow"

"so he slaps a girl and he gets detention yet I defend her and get suspended"

"you started the fight"


"Don't yell at me or I'll give you 6 days"

"Whatever I just want Ellianna to be okay"
He sends me home and while I'm upset that Bryce gets off that easily I'm just glad not to be at school

I just hope Elliannas okay

Ed- hey...

El- where are you?

Ed- I got suspended for 3 days

El- oh I'm sorry it's all my fault

Ed- what! No it isn't

El- yes it is the only reason you fought him was because of what I said

Ed- no I fought him cause he hit you

El- ugh still I'm sorry.

Ed- if anything Bryce should be sorry. Has he apologized?

El- no I'm still in the bathroom I'm scared to go back to class

Ed- why?

El- people might laugh at me for what happened

Ed- they won't if anything they'll feel bad

El- I still don't want to go back without you

Ed- I'm sorry

El- it's fine I'll just stay in here for the rest of class

Ed- please don't do that trust me no one will be mean

El- fine I'll go but I'm not happy about it

Ed- good girl

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