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it's been a few weeks since our one year anniversary and today he's going to start putting me in his videos

before you say anything about bryce being right that's not the case

a week ago we went out to the mall and obviously we were holding hands

well his fans saw us and took pictures

then his twitter started blowing up asking questions so he decided to just tell everyone about it

he made a tweet saying "tweet me questions to ask my girlfriend" and he got so many responses

therefore, tonight he's filming a video with me and the questions
i get to his house and we begin filming in his room

after he does his intro he explains the video

"okay so you guys found out that we were dating by seeing us in the mall and everyone was wondering if we were in fact dating and well the answer is yes we are. and i'm surprised i kept it a secret for so long cause well it's actually been a year. yup a whole 365 and two weeks days. that didn't make sense ANYWAYS i asked for you guys to ask me questions that i'm going to ask her makes no sense again but whatever. so babe are you ready"

"i guess"

"confidence great. okay so for starters what's your name"

"ellianna besson"

"perfect. okay so now that thats done we can get into the questions"

he looks for some of the questions and finally finds the ones he wants

"alright first question. do you love edwin"

"really. that's a dumb question"

"hey i didn't ask it"

"okay sure anyways yes i do"

"i knew that ha! okay next. whats your favorite thing about edwin. physical and non physical"

"okay my favorite thing physical is hmm your hair and non physical your laugh"

"really my hair. are you sure it's not my di-"

"i'm going to stop you right there"

"i wasn't going to say dick damn babe you don't know me"

"whatever next question"

"okay ooo this is a good one. why do you like edwin besides his obvious amazing personality and cute face"

"who said you were cute?"

"you did yesterday"

"okay okay true. anyways i like you because your nice, way nicer then any of my exes. and you're way cuter. umm i don't know i just like you cause you're you"

"aw that was cute come here" he motions for me to move closer and i sit on his lap

"i love you" he tells me and i kiss him

"i love you too"

"let's finish this video so we can keep kissing" he tells me and i laugh


"but stay on my lap"


"just do it"

we turn back to the camera and continue the video

"can i ask you questions now"


"okay ummm who's the better girlfriend me or your ex"

"and that's where we end this video. thank you guys for-"

"nope answer the question"

"ugh okay fine- babe i can't answer this i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings"

"basically what he's saying is his ex is better. so this may quickly become a break up video"

"i didn't say that"

"you didn't say she wasn't"

"okay. next question"

"simple what makes your ex better then me"


"answer the question"

"nothing makes her better than you"

"oh so i'm better"

"i didn't say that"

"okay anyways next question. if no feelings would be hurt would you take back your ex if she asked"

"babe! no you're my girlfriend and i love you stop!"

"that's all i wanted to hear. okay continue the video"

"you're crazy"

"hey i'm just making sure MY boyfriend likes me"

"and he does and he loves you in fact"

"okay then you can finish the video"

"okay guys well i going to go convince her i like her bye. make sure to like, comment, and subscribe and if you get this video to 20 thousand likes we'll do a video doing something i don't know give suggestions alright bye"

"and follow me!"

"yes yes follow my beautiful beautiful girlfriend"

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