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it's been a few weeks and i haven't been out of my house or even my room

i've just been in my bed crying

the boys have tried to get me to come out but i just won't

i can't it's too embarrassing

edwin uploaded the video and titled it "pranking and breaking up with my now ex-girlfriend"

for some reason everyone is loving it and is on his side. all the comments are saying how they're happy we broke up and they knew he was using me

it really hurt me knowing that i could be so stupid to not realize what he was doing while everyone else knew

i should've believed bryce and listened

speaking of bryce he's texted me saying he's sorry for what happened

i never responded because fuck that whole friend group

"ellie please come out we haven't seen you in forever" corbyn says from outside of my room


"ellianna come on"

"leave me alone Corbyn"

"we have pizza. you haven't been eating"

"i'm not hungry"

"yes you are come on"

"NO IM NOT NOW LEAVE ME ALONE" i scream and i hear him walk away

however i hear him coming back

"um el?"

"i said go away"

"but bryce is here"

"bryce hall?"

"yeah do you know why"


"can i let him in"

"it's your house who cares"

"ellie it's our house you know"

"whatever corbyn we both know you were forced"

"i wasn't though"
it's been a few minutes and i haven't heard from corbyn in a while

i'm very confused

i decide to do the one thing i haven't done in weeks

leave my room!

i wonder what the outside world is like

i leave my room and walk carefully downstairs

when i get downstairs i see Bryce talking to Corbyn

i roll my eyes and start to walk back upstairs

before i can corbyn calls me

"omg ellie you're out of your room" he comes up to me and hugs me

"get off me"

"no i'm happy you're out do you want anything. i have pizza"

"i want to go back to my room"


he picks me up and brings me to the kitchen

i roll my eyes as he stuffs a pizza in my hand

"oh by the way bryce is here to talk to you"

i look at bryce and he waves

"what do you want bryce"

"can i talk to you?"

"i mean if you have to"

"well i'll be in my room bye" corbyn leaves and it's just us

"are you here to hit me because i broke up with edwin"

"don't say that"

"why not i mean you did it before" i bite the pizza and narrow my eyes at him

"i'm sorry about that ellianna"

"whatever just why are you here"

"well first i was going to tell you that i'm sorry edwin did that. i honestly didn't expect that from him"

"i didn't either. i figured he knew about my last relationship and he wouldn't hurt me like my last one did"

"about your last relationship. i mean we both know it's me but whatever. i am sorry about that. i know i offended you when i called your cousin what i called him but i didn't know that it would make you as upset as you did. and i know that doesn't sound like an apology but it truly is. i really liked you ellianna"

"then why'd you hit me"

"that was after the relationship"

"you still hit me. if you really liked me like you claimed you did you wouldn't have hit me no matter what."

"i'm sorry about that too i really am. after i hit you i knew i messed up and i wanted to hit myself. i never wanted to hurt you physically or emotionally or whatever i did. ellianna please understand that and accept my apology"

"i accept your apology. it was a year ago so i can move on."

"good. um is there any chance you could like me back. i-i really like you"

"i know i said it was a year ago but i still need to earn your... and all boys trust"

"i understand."

"so are you gonna take me on a date or what" i joke

"wait really? can i"

"i mean i wouldn't mind"

we laugh and i finish my pizza

"so can we go on one tomorrow night?"

"i think i can fit you in my schedule"

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