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"hey wake up" Edwin whispers

i groan and move away from him

"come on its 12"

"go away"

"Ellianna wake up"

"noooooo i'm tired"

"i am going to tickle you if you do not wake up right now"


"ellianna i will do it do not make me"

"biggest bet in the whole universe"


"you won't"


"do it"


"do it or you're a chicken


"still not doing anything"


we sit there for a little bit and i wait for him to just leave the room

however, instead he jumps on me and starts to tickle me

"no stop no edwin ahhhh get off" i start laughing as he continues to tickle me until i get the power to flip us over

"nice try" i smirk

he looks up at my lips and then my eyes

we make eye contact for a little bit and suddenly i feel myself leaning in

he leans forward and sure enough our lips connect and we're kissing

he is such a fucking amazing kisser

he flips us over again and starts to take control

he removes both of our shirts and we continue

"you're so beautiful" he whispers before moving down to my neck

"E-edwin" i moan biting my lip

he leaves a few minor hickeys and then pulls away

"you are a great kisser Ellianna Besson"

"you are even better, Edwin Burgos"

he smiles and sits up pulling me with him

"shall we have lunch"

"i suppose"

we walk downstairs and i can't stop replaying our kiss

"by the way, you look great in my clothes"

"oh do you want them back?"

"no no, please keep them."

"good cause i wasn't giving them back."

he laughs and starts to order pizza

he orders it and motions for me to sit on his couch

"what movie do you want to watch?" he asks

"titanic" i smirk

"didn't we watch that yesterday"

"yeah so"

"you want to watch it again? after we watched it yesterday"

"yeah of course. don't you?"

"not really"

"well you know what they say. ladies choice"

"i don't think they say- you know what nevermind"

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