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"bryce?" someone asks sorta shyly

i turn around to see Ellianna

"oh hey"

"hi i dont know where im going and Corbyn left me to go to his class."

"just follow me" she nods and we walk to our class

"so what class is this"

"math the teachers nice he'll probably put you in a seat in the back"

"oh cool so do you know anyone in this class"

"yeah my only 3 friends"


"so have you met anyone yet"

"no only one girl and then my cousin and his friends"

"do you live with them"

"yup unfortunately"

"so why exactly are you here"

"oh well i got in a car accident with my parents and well they died and i just got a concussion and lost all my old memory and so since Corbyn's dad is my uncle i was going to move in with him and corbyns siblings. but i already lived here so he asked corbyn and corbyn agreed to let me stay and move in with him"

"oh wow im sorry"

"its fine i mean i got a lot of money for it" she says with a dry laugh

we finally get to the class and i am thankful because it was starting to get awkward and well depressing

once in class she goes up to the teacher and I sit in my seat with my friends

"so how is it going with hot girl" zach asks as i sit with them

"great im pretty sure she trusts me cause she told me her whole story"


she stops talking to the teacher and sits on the other side of the room directly across from me in the back

"looks like she doesnt like you that much" Nick says

"shut up"

i get up and sit in the seat next to her

"hey" i say


"why are you over here?"

"well i didnt want to bother you by sitting next to you so i decided to go as far as possible i can"

"you wouldnt bother me"

"are you sure cause i wouldn't mind sitting next to you if you didnt care"

"of course im sure"

we walk over to the other side and i sit in my seat as she sits in the seat next to mine

"introduce us" Nick whispers to me

i roll my eyes and turn to Ellianna

"hey do you want to meet my friends" i ask


"okay so this is Nick, Zach, and Edwin" i say pointing to each one

she smiles to them and they smile back

after she smiles she goes on her phone and texts someone

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