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it has been a few months and bryce has taken me on a few more dates

they are always so much fun

we have been to the movies, more bowling, out to dinner, gone on walks, and once we even went to a water park

seeing bryce's abs made me so happy i mean he definitely is good in that department

and his muscles mmm love them

okay maybe i am attracted to him

who am i kidding i am soooo attracted to him it's not even funny

i mean how can i not be. like i said his muscles and abs. he is just wow how is he a human

okay sorry i am just obsessed with all abs on any boy

anyways back to what i was saying

we are going on another one tonight and i am very excited

we are going to the movies and then dinner at olive garden aka the best restaurant ever

then we are going to his house (edwin and the others aren't there) and we are just going to hang out

maybe we will kiss

or he will ask me out who knows

by the way i do in fact trust him again

this whole time he could have been out with other girls but literally every night he is texting me and he has never been with another girl

you might be thinking Ellianna Besson how are you so sure

well person i have my people

okay not really. every night his friend Nick (yes i know he's friends with Edwin but he told me he likes me better) tells me if he is talking or hanging out with someone

yeah if he was with another girl it would be fine still but it's nice to know that he's not with other girls

it makes me feel like he's actually trying to make me trust him again
i just got a text from Bryce saying that he's here and i'm about to leave

"ellianna!" corbyn yells before i leave


"have fun and don't be afraid to say yes to any special questions"

"huh? what do you mean?"

"oh nothing now go enjoy your time"

i'm so confused but then again it's corbyn and he's weird
one more chapter and then it's done

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