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Bryce Hall

She puts her phone down and turns to me

"Did we ever kiss?" She asks

Oh no not this story. That was so embarrassing

"Yeah we did"

"Did you enjoy it?"

Um yeah I loved it are you dumb

"I guess you could say that"

"Did I like it?"

"I think you chose to kiss me again so I'd think so"

"Would you ever kiss me again"

Um yeah if it wasn't for corbyn being included in your life


"Oh cool"

"Well how about you would you kiss me again"

"Maybe I can't predict the future"

"We should be friends"

"I agree cause well I really need some"

"Well if you ever need someone to text when you're bored here's my number" I write down my number on a piece of paper and hand it to her

She turns on her phone and I'm guessing puts it in her contacts

Ellianna- hi it's ellianna is this Bryce

Bryce- yup

We put our phones away and our teacher starts the lesson


"I'm so bored" I whisper to Ellianna to which I receive the most adorable laugh I've ever heard

"I want to throw myself out that window" she responds subtly pointing across the room

"Bryce, stop bothering the new student" the teacher yells at me

"He wasn't bothering me" ellianna responds

"I'm sure he wasn't" he replies sarcastically "anyways Bryce can you tell me the answer"

"47" I guess

"Hm it seems you are correct"

Wow I'm a great guesser

Ellianna- nice guess

Bryce- how could you tell I guessed

Ellianna- you've been staring at me for the past twenty minutes

Bryce- you caught me... I just think you're beautiful sooo

Ellianna- aw you're not to bad yourself

Bryce- wow not to bad that hurts

Ellianna- sorry I don't like lying

Bryce- wow really hitting me where it hurts

Ellianna- if I'm being honest you're actually pretty attractive

Bryce- see now you're realizing your true feelings

Ellianna- you're funny as well

Bryce- lol thanks

Ellianna- so I heard from Corbyn that you do YouTube

Bryce- yeah

Ellianna- what's your channel

Bryce- Bryce Hall

Ellianna- cute I'll watch some vids later tonight

Bryce- you'll hate me afterwards

Ellianna- why

Bryce- idk you just will

Ellianna- what if I already hate you

Bryce- oh....

Ellianna- I'm kidding

Bryce- imma be straight forward with you I wanna go on a date with you

Ellianna- I've never been on a date before

Bryce- oh wow really

Ellianna- not that I remember but I'd enjoy one with you

Bryce- well do you wanna go on one

Ellianna- one day

Bryce- what are you doing Friday

Ellianna- nothing besides pretending to be interested in the band

Bryce- well do you want to go on a date Friday

Ellianna- sure why not

Bryce- perfect when I find out something to do I'll text you

Ellianna- okay

Well shit I have a date with her

Bryce- yooo

Nick- get off your phone dickhead

Bryce- I have news dumbass

Zach- spill

Bryce- I'm taking Ellianna on a date Friday

Edwin- I smell video idea

Bryce- no

Zach- oh yes

Bryce- only if she agrees

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