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Last Chapter hope you enjoy it
"so what movie should we watch?" bryce asks me as we wait in line at the movies

"um i don't care you can decide"

"okay then"

he chooses a movie and it's a scary one

i hate scary movies but i mean it's a good type of movie to watch for a date i guess

we get the tickets plus popcorn and drinks and head to our theater

he grabs my hand and kisses it

"what was that for?"

"i just felt like it" i laugh and we walk into our theater
the movie has been playing for a bit and it's really scary

i keep hiding in bryce's chest and he laughs at me

"don't laugh im scared"

"it's not even that scary"

"you're right it's VERY scary"

"babe it's not"

"wait what?"

"huh? i didn't say anything"

"um okay"

i swear he just called me babe

oh well i'm probably just hearing things cause i'm scared of this movie
the movie just ended and we're on our way to our house

i haven't let go of his hand cause i'm so nervous to get killed

"youre holding on really tight"

"sorry i'm just scared"

"dont be ill protect you"

"what if we get stolen and you're taken away then you can't"

"well if that happens i will make sure they won't do anything to you"

"good cause i don't want to die yet"

"oh but you'll let me die i see how it is ellianna i see how it is"

we laugh and get to his car

"see we didn't even get looked at" he tells me as he opens my door

"yeah but there's still a chance now hurry up and get in the car so we can't be free and not vulnerable to whatever happens" i say seriously but he smiles

"fine don't get in the car and get murdered by a clown or an animal see if i care"
we get to his house and when we walk in i become freezing

i swear this house is an iceberg

"i-its so cold" i say shivering

"maybe it's the spirits trying to talk to us" he says and i gasp hitting him

"that's not funny"

"right right sorry anyways wanna go to my room it's probably warmer in there"

"sure also i need to sleep"

"okay" he laughs and we walk to his room

"its even colder in here"

"really? that's weird"

"oh well i'm laying in your bed by the way"

"go right ahead"

i go into his bed and go under the covers immediately being filled with warmth

but i'm still a little cold


"yes El"

"do you have any more blankets i'm still kinda cold"

"um no but i can give you a hoodie of mine"

"sure anything to get me warm"

he pulls out a hoodie from his closet and hands it to me

i put it on and i'm finally warm enough to sleep

he comes over to the bed and kisses my forehead

"i'll be on the couch if you need anything" he tells me and i pout

"you mean you're not going to sleep with me?"

"well i didn't think you would want to"

"i don't want to be alone though and get murdered" i say with a smirk

i'm hoping he's getting the hint i'm dropping

if you're confused i just want to sleep with him and cuddle

"well i wouldnt want that happening"

"nope you wouldn't"

"then i guess i will"


he lays down next to me and wraps his arm around my waist

he tilts my head up and kisses me softly

"ellianna besson i really like you"

"i really like you too"

"i need to ask you this cause i'm not going to let you slip away from me again. Ellianna will you be my girlfriend"

i just nod and grab his face

"yes i will"
the end

that was the WORST ending i've ever written i'm sorry

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