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"My roommates are so annoying I'm sorry about them"

"It's fine they aren't as bad as my cousin and his boyfriend"

"I can't believe he's gay. I means I always did know he was gay"

"What is that supposed to mean"

"I'm just saying it's very obvious"

"I guess but does it matter if he's gay"

"Woah woah woah are you implying that I'm homophobic"

"No I never said that but if you are there's going to be a major problem"

"Good cause I'm not trust me I have plenty gay friends"

"Like that matters" I say with a laugh

"Okay you need to stop"

"Stop what"

"You're seriously acting like a bitch"

"How am I acting like a bitch"

"You just are. You're acting like I'm some homophobic guy and I don't like that"

"First I didn't say you were homophobic I was making sure you aren't and second you were saying how you have gay friends so you can't be homophobic which makes no sense"

"Then how do I know you're not homophobic. Just because your cousin is a gay makes you not homophobic"

"Excuse me my cousin is 'a gay' what is 'a gay' exactly"

"Oh my god are you serious"

"Um yeah I'm serious calling someone 'a gay' is extremely disrespectful and rude"

"You should go"

"Oh so you're kicking me out because I don't like you calling my cousin 'a gay'"

"No I'm kicking you out cause you're a fucking bitch"

"Whatever if I'm such a 'fucking bitch' then you can stop talking to me. Goodbye Bryce" I roll my eyes and leave his house

I call Corbyn to pick me up

"Hey what are you calling for"

"Can you get me please"

"Um sure what's wrong"

"I'll explain at home just please get me"

"I'll be there soon send me the address"


We hang up and I quickly send him the address

As I'm waiting Edwin comes out

"Hey" He says as I turn around


"Why are you out here wheres Bryce?"

"Inside probably being a dick"

"Woah what happened"

"It's stupid"

"Okay so still tell me"

I reluctantly tell him the story and he listens

"Oh I heard yelling"

"Yeah I told you it was stupid. I'm just annoyed that he just had to call me a bitch just because I was defending my cousin."

"Yeah I get it. He's just like that don't take it to heart"

"So he's just naturally a dick?"

"Pretty much. You know he's probably just intimidated by you"

"Intimated? By me?"

"Yeah normally pretty girls don't go for him. So when a really, really pretty girl actually likes him he wants to end it before she does"

"But I'm not a pretty girl so he shouldn't be intimidated"

"You're right you aren't a pretty girl you're a beautiful girl" Edwin moves the hair out of my face and kisses me

I kiss back and he pulls away

"Well I better get inside before Corbyn or Bryce sees me out here have a good night I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you"

"Oh and here"

He hands me a paper and walks inside

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