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El- hey I can't sleep are you up?

Ed- hey yeah I'm up

El- oh good

Ed- so why can't you sleep

El- idk I've been thinking about things

Ed- like

El- how I haven't even been here for a month and I've already dated someone, broke up with them, and liked someone new

Ed- you like someone new

El- yeah

Ed- oh who

El- oh no one

Ed- I'm confused

El- nvm I need to sleep

Ed- oh well goodnight

El- good night umm I don't wanna go to school without you and be near Bryce so can I hang out with you

Ed- sure

El- okay good well good night

I put my phone away and smile to myself

I really like Edwin

He's really cute and nice

I wouldn't mind dating him

Okay I know I just stopped dating Bryce but still that wasn't even a real relationship

Ed- hey I know I just said good night but I wanted to let you know that I'm really glad we're friends

El- I'm really glad we're friends too

I want to be more though

But do I?

Ugh I don't know

Maybe I should I sleep on it

Yeah that would be a good idea if I could sleep

Instead of falling asleep I get up and walk towards Corbyns room

I know he's going to be mad at me for waking him up but I just need to sleep in the room with him

I'm always better at sleeping when I'm with someone

I tip-toe to corbyns room and poke him to hopefully wake him up

Daniel and Corbyn don't sleep in the same bed which is weird because they're dating but apparently Daniel takes up too much space so he wanted his own

Corbyn opens his eyes and groans when he sees me

"Ellie it's 1 am why are you awake"

"I can't sleep"

"Well try now leave"

"I-I can't I already tried. Can I sleep with you"


"Please. I'm not good with sleeping alone"

"What did you do at home"

"I always had a comfortable bed now I have a rock please"

"Ugh Fine"

"Yay!" I smile and lay down in the bed with him

I lay close to him and he shifts towards me

"Corbyn... i miss my mom and dad"

"I know you do. I miss them too"

"I wish I died instead of them"

"Hey don't say that"

"Sorry But everything would've been much better if it was me instead of them"

"That is so not true"

"Yes it is Corbyn. You and everyone wouldn't have to deal with me and my problems"

"Ellianna stop that! I am so happy you're alive and you should be too. If you died instead of your parents everyone would have been hurt. Yes everyone's sad about your mom and dad but still we get you and when people see you they see your mom  and dad. You're even better okay. Now stop I love you and your problems"

"I-I love you too"

"Now come on try to sleep"

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