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Bryce Hall

*10 minutes later*

As I am walking home from school I hear someone crying

I look around and see nothing so I continue you walk

Suddenly my name gets called

"B-Bryce" the same crying I heard earlier calls for me

I turn around and see Ellianna with tears streaming down her face

"Woah what's wrong" I say running up and hugging her

"C-Corbyn said h-he was forced to let me m-move in with him" she cries in my chest

"Why did he say that"

"Cause I was complaining about not being able to go on the date with you" she says finally calming down

"Oh I'm sorry it's not that important though"

"Yeah but I really wanted to"

"I really wanted to too but not if it's going to ruin your relationship with your cousin"

"He ruined it himself"

"I'm sorry well do you want to come to my house"

"If that's okay"

"Of course come on"

I walk her to my house and I don't see the car which is what the boys took to school.

Personally I rather walk cause I need exercise but they like driving because they're lazy

We walk in the house and I bring her to my room

"Are you tired" I ask

"A little"

"Okay you can sleep if you want"

I leave the room to let her sleep and I go downstairs to make a snack

After an hour I go to check on her

When I walk in my room I see her staring at my wall

"How did I get here" she asks as she sees me

"You were walking home from school crying cause you and Corbyn got in a fight and I brought you to my house and you were tired so I let you sleep"

"Oh no"


"Corbyns probably worried about where I am"

"Do you want me to take you home?"

"Not really your bed is kinda really comfortable but I'll go home if you want me to"

"No no you're fine you can stay here until you absolutely have to leave"

"Okay well are you tired"


I'm really not I just want to make her like me and eventually ask her out

"Well then come lay down with me"

She's making this a lot easier for me

She moves over and pats the spot next to her and smiles the cutest smile I've ever seen

I lay next to her and she puts her arm on top of my stomach and her head on my shoulder

"You're cute" she says smiling and closing her eyes

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