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"nice outfit"


"um thanks well bye"

i quickly walk away but he grabs my arm

"where are you going?"


"why so fancy"

"cause um uh i like to be fancy?"

"bullshit. now come on tell me the truth"

"fine well me and ellianna are dating and we actually have been for a year today. and so yeah oh also the girl you saw me making out with three weeks ago was uh her"

"oh i see how it is"

"hey don't be mad at me"

"i'm not mad at you i'm just confused i mean bro code says-"

"seriously. bro code"

"what it's bros before hoes"

"well in that case my 'hoe' who isn't a hoe is much better  than any of my bros especially you"

"wow well when she finds out that you're just using her for your views you'll be wishing you paid attention to what i'm saying"

"i'm not even using her for views, and she's never even been in one of my videos"

"oh well i was just warning you" he shrugs and walks away

i really can't stand him

what he just did is part of the reason why i don't trust anything with him
after finishing getting ready i finally leave my house and go to pick up Ellianna

before i get to her house i stop at the store to buy her roses

once i finally get them i'm on my way to pick up my beautiful girlfriend
after a few minutes of driving i get to her house and instead of texting i decide to be romantic

i knock on the door and put the flowers behind my back

"oh hey edwin" her cousins bandmate Jonah says coming up to the door

"hi is ellie here?"

"yeah she's still getting ready for something why?"

"oh i'm here for our date"

"ohhhhh yeah she did say that okay i'll get her then" he walks in the house and eventually she walks out

i look her up and down and bite my lip. she looks so fucking good

"hey" she says

"hi you look beautiful. oh here's this" i hand her the roses and she smiles

"thanks" she walks up to me and kisses me

i wrap my arms around her waist as we continue to kiss

"don't you guys have a date?" corbyn says interrupting


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