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our date just ended and it was the absolute best date i've ever been on

during dinner he was so nice and we had such a great conversation

then during mini golf we kept laughing and having a good time

by the way i won

now we're on our way back and I hope he kisses me

yeah we've kissed before but that was more making out and it wasn't filled with love/like. but this time it will be romantic

we make it to my house and he pulls into the driveway

"tonight was really fun i can't wait to go on another date" he smiles and i turn to face him

"yeah i agree"

"so um can i um do something really quick"


he unbuckles his seat belt and moves closer

he lightly grabs my cheek and leans in. i lean in as well and we kiss

i smile as we kiss and i feel him also smile

we pull apart and we're both still smiling

"goodnight" he whispers

"goodnight" i whisper back

i open the car door and head out to leave

right as i start to walk he gets out of the car as well and takes my hand

he pulls me close to him and kisses me again

"i love you Ellianna Besson"

"i-i love you too" i stutter

i didn't stutter because i don't love him i stuttered because i wasn't expecting it from him

this was the first time i've been told that someone loves me since my parents death and the accident

i'm sure before i was told it but i don't remember that obviously

"okay no you can have a goodnight" we laugh and i kiss him one more time

"goodnight edwin"

we walk our separate ways and into my house and his car

i can't stop smiling that was the perfect night and date ever

"oooo look who's smiling" daniel says when i walk it

"he told me he loves me"

"awww girl that's so cute" he stands up from corbyns lap and hugs me

"i'm so happy for you"

"thanks, so um what's happening here"

"well we were going to watch a movie and make out afterwards but you came back and stole daniel from me" corbyn bitterly says walking over and grabbing daniel

"now come on babe we're watching this movie and making out like we planned"

"hey don't be upset that your boyfriend likes me more i mean many people like me more then they like you"

"wrong but okay"

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