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ed- hey i'm here

el- yayyyyy

i run down the stairs and open the door

as soon as i open it i hug edwin

"i missed you!" i squeal

"babe i saw you a few hours ago" he laughs

"i know but you're the only person i like to be around and see so"

"i feel the same way. can we go inside now it's kinda raining"

i look up and sure enough it is

"oh yeah" we go inside and i see he's drenched

"oof you're soaked"

"yeah i was waiting out there for a while"

"sorry well i'll go get you a towel"
"mmm thanks babe who knew you could cook"

"well i learned a few things from my parents"

i just made him and i a homemade pizza and it's really good

"oh can i ask you about them? if not i get it but i just want to know" he asks and i nod

"well um sadly i don't remember many memories but i do know some things. for one they were best friends and they were in love. also they were the only people i could really trust. i had a few friends but i never had any close friends. i know i was a loser. but my parents never made me feel like it. i could tell them anything that i was feeling and i knew they wouldn't judge me. they were the best people ever and i miss them a lot."

"oh i feel the same way about my parents but in a different way obviously. once i moved away from them i realized how much i truly love them"

"yeah i guess. i just want them to be back i miss them so much and i just want to hug them" i start to cry and he quickly comes over and hugs me

"hey it's okay"

i sob into his chest and he rubs my back

"i'm sorry i can't believe how it must feel but i'm here for you"

"i want them back"

"shh i know i know"

"i-i wish i died instead"

"hey don't say that"

"it's true though"

"listen i can't bring them back but i know for a fact that they are watching you from wherever they are and if they heard you say that you rather have died i'm sure they wouldn't like that. i know it's hard but i promise you you'll get through it"

"thank you" i sniffle and kiss him

"no problem. i love you"

"i love you too"

"do you want to watch titanic now?"

"i thought you didn't want to cause we watch it everytime?"

"yeah well i want you to be happy and titanic makes you happy so"

"well you did suggest it"

"exactly so"

"yeah we can watch it"

i grab his hand and we walk to my couch

i automatically find titanic and put it on

i smile and lay down

"best movie on earth"

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