847 9 2

Edwin Burgos

Bryce is going to kill me for kissing her.

At the same time I'm scared he's going to hurt me I'm happy I kissed a hot girl

I mean look at her. Who doesn't just see her for a second and get a boner... I know it happens to me

I hope she texts me

***-***-****- Hey is This Edwin

E- yeah who are you

***-***-****- ellianna

E- oh wow you actually texted me

El- yeah

E- so how are you feeling over Bryce

El- I don't care anymore i mean if he's going to call me a bitch I'll be a bitch

E- you know what would get him back

El- what

E- getting with his friend

El- are you offering yourself

E- well I mean I wouldn't oppose of the idea

El- ya know you are hot I wouldn't mind. And my cousin doesn't hate you

E- exactly well I have to go film

El- okay bye have fun

Aye I'm getting somewhere

Ellianna Besson

"So what happened?" Corbyn asks me when I get back to the house

"I was defending you"

"Defending me?"

"Yup the dick was being rude about you being gay and I just wasn't having it so he called me and I quote "fucking bitch" so I'm done with him"

"I'm so sorry Ellie. If I was strong enough I'd fight him maybe I can get Jonah and Ja-"

"No one needs to fight him. I'm fine. You won't be happy about this but I might get with his friend to get back at him"

"Normally I would be very against you having sex with anyone but since it's to get back at him I might make an exception"

"Glad we're on the same page"
After dinner I go upstairs in my room to text Edwin about my plan

El- Hey

E- wow i got more than one text crazy

El- yeah well you know how you're hot right

E- I mean I guess

El- well you are anyways I was thinking about what you said earlier about doing something with Bryce's friend and I want to let you know if you're serious id so do anything with you on one condition. We do it as close to his room as we can and we be as loud as we can be so he hears

E- wow... I've never thought a hot girl would be telling me to fuck them but I'll definitely do it

El- so is that a yes

E- um duh that's a yes. Okay here's the plan this week at school walk with me and talk to me all the time and act like we're just getting close and then when by the end of the week you come over and we go in the guest bedroom that's connected to Bryce's by a bathroom and we can do it. It will make him totally jealous and he'll regret calling you a bitch. Or he'll think you're even more a bitch either way whatever

El- okay I like it

E- wow I'm excited this is payback for the last girl I liked

El- what happened

E- she was soooo into me and then she came over and I went to the bathroom and Bryce started talking to her when I get out of the bathroom they're standing there just making out

El- wow I'm sorry

E- yeah I'm still mad I'm so happy to do this

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