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*Corbyn's POV*

"Yo did you hear about that fight in mr. W's English class" someone says talking to their friends

Wait Ellie's in Mr. W's class hmm

"Oh my god yes. Apparently he slapped her and she ran out and then the fight started"

Wait what

I turn around and face the people who are talking

"Who got into the fight?" I ask

"Bryce Hall and Edwin Burgos"

Oh no

"Wait who slapped the girl"

"Bryce hit this new girl Elizabeth or something"


"Yeah that's her name"



"Do you guys know her last name?"

"Yeah it's Bess- wait that's your last name"

"So Bryce hit my cousin wow" I turn back in my chair mad

I text Ellie just to make sure she's okay

C- hey I heard what happened are you okay

E- I guess. he hit me really hard

C- do you feel a bruise

E- no but I want to go home

C- I'm sorry

E- can I just like skip or something

C- no

E- please I have class with Bryce next and I'm scared

C- don't you have your friend Elmo with you

E- it's Edwin and no he had to leave school cause he got suspended

C- well just sit in a different seat

E- no I'll just deal with it... sitting next to the boy who slapped me and made my face all red, and gave me a hand mark, and embarrassed me in front of everyone

C- fine you can go home


C- yeah

E- wait I can't

C- why

E- I need your dad to call the school and dismiss me

C- why my dad?

E- cause he's technically my legal guardian

C- okay then text him and ask

E- no thank you can you. He's your dad

C- so

E- I don't want to tell him I got slapped cause then he'll make me move away

C- he wouldn't do that

E- yeah he would. Before I left he said if anything bad happened under your watch he'd make me move to Virginia and stay with him, your mom, Ashley, and Jordan

C- fine I'll text him

E- thank you

I roll my eyes and text my dad

C- hey dad

C D(Corbyn's dad)- Yes

C- can you call the school and dismiss Ellie

C D- why is everything okay? What did you do

C- nothing she just isn't feeling well and wants to go home

C D- can't she go to the nurse

C- dad you know her because of the accident she's scared of nurses and doctors

C D- okay okay I'll call now get back to class

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