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"Hey wake up I gotta bring you home" Bryce whispers to me kissing my forehead

"I don't wanna go" I whine

"You have to or Corbyn will literally behead me"

"What if I text him and ask if I can stay?"

"I mean it's up to yo-"

"Say no more I'm texting him"

I take out my phone and surprisingly he hasn't texted me

Daniels probably keeping him busy

Me- heyyy you know how much I love you right

Corbyn- stop stalling what do you want

Me- can I PLEASE stay over Bryces I promise we won't do anything

Corbyn- sure

Me- wait what

Corbyn- yeah me and Daniel haven't well I guess you could say fucked in a while and he really wants to so if you stay there it's fine so I can give him the best sex ever.

Me- ok ok tmi please I don't need to know about your sex life with Dani

Corbyn- sorry well I gotta go my baby's waiting for me


I put my phone away and lay on Bryces chest

"What'd he say"

"Him and Dani are fucking tonight so I can stay"

"Good I'd never thought I'd say this but Ive never been happier to hear about your cousins sex life"

"Oh I agree totally"

"Well why don't we start our own sex life" he smirks

"I don't know you might be too overwhelmed with my amazing skills"

"I'll take my chances"

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