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It's the next day and Bryce is driving me home

"I had a great time yesterday" he tells me taking my hand into his

"I did too I'm glad I was able to stay longer"

"Me too but unfortunately I have to bring you home"

"Well I can't just stay at your house my whole life... but if I could I would"

"Yeah I understand"

"But hey we have school to see each other and trust me I'm obviously going to be with you on weekends and weekdays"

"You better"

We get to my house and before I leave I make sure to kiss him

"When I get in there you better text me okay"

"Okay bye beautiful"

I leave the car and walk into the house

"Good morning" Daniel brightly says when he sees me

"Someone's happy" I say sitting at the head of the table

"Well of course with everyone out of the house I get my boyfriend all to myself"

"Oh god he must have fucked you real good"

"Oh yes he did. How about you did you get a little something"

"More like gave a little something"

"Aw that sucks if only we both got it last night"

"Yeah well anyways I'm glad I have you to talk about relationships with"

"Of course we're both the girl in a relationship. I mean obviously you cause well you're a girl"

"And I'm guessing you are in your relationship because he gives you all the love and affection and the cute name calling. Ya know it's great to be the girl in the relationship. As long as you fulfill their horny needs you get everything"

"I agree. High five to that"

We high five and talk more about the perks of being a girl in a relationship

"Oh hey Ellie" Corbyn tiredly says walking down the stairs

"Someone's tired"

"Yeah I had a looong night" he glares at Daniel which makes it clear that he is tired from what we were discussing earlier

"Long like your d-"

"Daniel!!! Not in front of my cousin"

"Sorry sorry"

Corbyn sits down and Daniel gets up and sits on his lap back facing the wall behind him. He puts his arms around Corbyns neck and kisses him gently

"You guys are so cute I'm crying"

"See Corbyn I told you"

"What did you tell him"

"Before you came here he said that you wouldn't approve of us. But I said that you love me so you would"

"Well dani you were right"

"I always am"

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