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Ellianna Besson

Bryce and his friends seem really nice but i have a bad feeling about his past with Corbyn. i mean if they were friends when i met him how are they not friends now.

ellianna- heyyyyyyyy cousinnnnn

corbyn- what do you want

ellianna- whats the story with you and bryce

corbyn- why do you want to know

ellianna- im just curious

corbyn- okay so the night before you left in the summer that you first came everyone was hanging out and you and bryce left to go somewhere that no one knew


"hey do you want to go upstairs" bryce asks


we went up to the guest room that i was staying in at the why dont we house and we sat next to each other on the bed

"so this whole week we've been getting really close and i know you're going back home soon and its kinda far from here but i really feel something with you but i know we cant date because of distance.."

"get to the point please" i interupt

"okay okay im sorry anyways i want to see of maybe we can try something"

"try something?"

"yeah like maybe see if you feel anything when we kiss"

"so you want to kiss me? you could've just asked"

"so is that a yes"


he started to lean in and i followed. eventually our lips touch and i feel some sort of spark

"did you feel anything" he asks once we pull away

i just nod and kiss him again. the kiss slowly turns into a soft makeout which then turns to a heated makeout.

we end up moving further onto the bed him laying down and me on top of him

still kissing he takes off his shirt and i see his toned body my eyes immediately going wide

"is something wrong?" he asks stopping the kiss

"no not at all youre just hot"

he laughs and we get back to kissing

as he starts to take off mine the door burts open

he quickly pulls down my shirt but its too late Corbyn already saw and is fuming

*end flashback*

corbyn- turns out he was trying to have sex with you and me already upset threw you off of him and started repeatedly punching him. turns out not everyone wants to be friends with the guy who punches them when they see them taking advantage of their cousin

ellianna- corbyn i remember what happened i got a flashback... we werent going to have sex and i was the one who initiated the making out part

corbyn- 1- im happy youre slowly gaining your memory 2- now i feel bad for what i did

ellianna- dont feel bad you were just protecting me

corbyn- yeah i guess

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