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The question part of the date/video is over and now we are just standing in front of the table we were just at

"What's happening I'm confused" I whisper

"Just wait"

Zach comes back and stands in the middle of us

"Okay guys so now we are going to have you guys kiss" he slyly says to the camera

"Cool" I shrug "so what kind of kiss?"

"Any is fine"

"What if it's how do I say not necessarily kid friendly" I smirk

"Uh-Um maybe that's not the best option"

"I'll try to refrain no promises"

"I like this girl!" Bryce says with a big smile

"Okay now kiss"


Bryce wraps his arms around my waist as I put mine on his neck. I stand on the top of my toes and we kiss

It starts out slow at first but gets heated fast

"Okay okay that's enough for one video" Zach says causing us to stop

We unwrap our hands and look at each other for a while I see a smile come across his mouth which causes me to smile

We break out of our trance and he ends the video

"Well we'll be going to my room" Bryce winks to the camera and we walk to his room

"Thank you for doing that"
He says sitting on the bed

"Doing what" I ask after he pulls me onto his lap

"The whole video its so stupid"

"It was fun. I wouldn't mind being in more"

"I wouldn't mind having you in more"

We lean in and finish our small makeout from earlier.

However, it's not small it's huge and by huge I mean figuratively. In fact it was quite slow and passionate but it gave me huge butterflies so

"Ellianna... I really like you"

"You're not that bad"

"No I'm serious I like you like a lot. Not many girls would've done all of that for a stupid 10 minute possibly even less video"

"You do crazy things for those who mean the most to you"

"I know we kinda just met well to you but I really want to go out with you"

"I want to go out with you too"

"So will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course"

I smile and we kiss for one last time before falling asleep me laying on top of him chest with his arms around my waist

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