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"baby you look so good tonight" i tell Ellianna once we get in the car

i put my hand over her thigh and she holds it

"thank you, you look really good too"

"i am so surprised we made it to one year"


"well i knew i would be with you forever, but i wasn't so sure that you would want to be with me"

"well i really like you so it isn't that hard"
we make it to the restaurant and i really have to pee

it was actually a very long car ride and before i left i made the dumb decision to drink a lot of water

"hey after we get seated i am going to the bathroom the pee is dying to escape"

"okay have fun" she laughs and we give our reservation to the lady

she eventually brings us to our table and we sit

"okay if they come order me water but now i must release all these liquids"

edwin leaves to go to the bathroom and i begin to read my menu

i feel someone sit down and i am very confused seeing as he literally just left

"back al- bryce?"

"hi this is important"

um why is Bryce here

"why are you here? are you going to hit me?"

"ellianna what no just let me talk it's about edwin"

"what did he do" i say rolling my eyes

"it's not what he did, it's what he is going TO do. he is using you for views"

"and how do you know that?"

"it's obvious he saw how many views our videos got and he was jealous. so he asked you out"

"and how are you so sure"

"it's just obvious. how many videos has he made with you so far"

"absolutely none. so you are clearly very wrong so just stop"

"okay whatever but just remember what i said when he suddenly starts posting you on his channel"

"are you done now"

"yup please take my words and think about them"

"okay whatever bye now"

he FINALLY leaves and i roll my eyes

he is so dumb and there's no evidence of anything

but whatever he can think what he wants i know how Edwin is and i trust him

and hey if edwin does want to start putting me in his videos i would be happy and wouldn't mind

i wonder if his fans would like me?

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