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"Ellianna what are you doing here" Edwin asks opening his door

"I wasn't feeling good" I shrug

"Shouldn't you be at home then"

"Yeah I should but I have no one there but you're here and so I figured why not come and pay my buddy Eddie a visit. So you gonna let me in or not. It's kinda cold in L.A don't you think"

"Oh um yeah come in but why are you here"

I walk in and sit on his couch

"I told you this... I have no one at home so I figured-"

"Why not pay your buddy eddie a visit yeah I understood that part but why are you here here"

"I was scared to be in a class with Bryce without you so Corbyn let me leave" I sigh

"Oh well hey all company is good company right"

"Yeah well I wanna watch a movie so what movies do you have" I ask laying down on his couch

"Sure make yourself at home" he mutters but I still hear him

"What was that"

"Nothing anyways we have plenty movies which one would you like?"

"You got Titanic?"

"Um yeah it's just the best movie on the planet"

"I agree"

"Well let's watch it"
"Never let go, Jack" me and Rose say at the same time

"You really love this movie huh?" Edwin asks

"What yeah" I answer wiping my tears

"Hey don't cry it's just a movie"

"Shh it's not just a movie. This really happened and stupid Kate killed Leo"

"Who's Kate"

"Kate Winslet. Oh I didn't realize I was watching with a fake fan she plays Rose"

"Oh I see. Well do you want some lunch"

"Ooo Yeah"

"Okay I'll order some pizza"

"Yay I love pizza"
We get our pizza and start to eat it as we learn new things about each other

"Wait so he just asked to smell your legs for no reason"

"Yup well that's what I remember happening." I answer

"That's crazy"

"I know. So do you have any crazy sex stories with girls"

"Well um you see I'm a what you call a virgin"

"Oh really that's cute"

"No it's embarrassing"

"No it's not. It shows you're saving yourself for someone who you love and loves you it's great. You don't find many boys like that these days"

"I guess. Well you look uncomfortable"

"What do you mean" he points down to my skirt

"Oh yeah it is kinda uncomfortable"

"Do you want to borrow some clothes from me"

"No I'm fine"

"Are you sure cause it's really comfortable here I'll go get some things for you stay here"

He runs away to his room and comes back with clothes in his hand

"It May or may not be some old merch"

"Well your old merch looks great"

"I know so wanna wear it. It smells like boy. I know girls love that for some reason"

I laugh and slightly smell the hoodie he handed me

"So how does it smell"

"Like boy... in a good way"

"Great so why don't you wear it"

"Are you sure? I don't want to wear them and make you have to wash them when I leave"

"Well when that happens you can just keep them. Come on you're clearly uncomfortable with what your wearing now"

"Okay fine"

I get up and go into the bathroom putting on his very comfortable clothes

I stuff my old clothes into my backpack and walk out of the bathroom

"You look way more comfortable"

"I am but it's so sad that I had to waste a cute outfit"

"Well I saw it"

"And it was cute right"

"Yup. You look good in long skirts"

"Thanks" I blush

"Oh no"


"School just ended"

"And what's wrong with that?"

"If you aren't home Corbyn will get upset and Bryce is coming home soon and you'll get upset"

"Ugh but I don't want to go home. I had so much fun here with you" I pout and he gives me a hug

"I'm sorry but you can text me"

"Ugh Fine. I'll leave now but can you bring me back"

"Of course let's go"

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