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it's been a few months since me and Edwin started dating and it's really fun

corbyn and all the boys really like him surprisingly and when Edwin told his friends they were happy

he obviously hasn't told bryce yet but that's probably never going to happen anyways

tonight we're going on our first date and i'm really excited. i know it's our first date and we've been dating for 3 months we've just never had anytime

we're going to go mini golfing and that's one of my ideal first dates

also it reminds me of my parents because on every birthday of mine they would take me there and we would play for hours

knowing i'm going does make me sad and miss my parents but then again it's a fun memory and i shouldn't be sad about it

as i'm getting ready for my date Daniel comes in my room


"yes daniel what do you need"

"well i want to help you find and put on a hot outfit"

"okay go right ahead"

"so what exactly are you guys doing?"

"dinner and mini golfing"

"ooo hot"


"well you'll be bending over to hit the ball so if he's behind you he'll be staring at your ass and if he's in front of you he'll be staring at your boobs. it's a win win situation for him"

"what about for me?"

"well he'll get a boner and you'll see his dick and how big it is"

"ooo okay find me something hot"


he looks through my closet and eventually throws shorts at me and a revealing tank top

"put these on"

i try the outfit on and Daniel nods

"yes yes yes! perfect you look so hot and sexy go! if i was gay mmm we'd be fucking right now"

"okay i get it it looks good"

"no it looks fucking amazing"
"wow ellie you look beautiful" Edwin says when i get in his car

i blush and look down

"thanks you look cute too"

"thank you so where for dinner?"

"you decide"

"olive garden?"

"mmm yeah"


he drives away from my house and we go to olive garden 

as we drive he places his hand on my thigh and i smile

i really like Edwin and i knew i would

he's so much better than Bryce

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