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We get to school and I quickly walk away from the boys and over to my locker

"You look very hot" someone whispers to me as I close my locker

I turn around and face Edwin


"So you ready to make him jealous"


"Oh by the way he maybe kinda was fucking someone last night"

"Whatever let him do whatever he wants" I roll my eyes

"Oh there's more. He accidentally called her your name and she ran out"

"Wait Seriously"

"Yup. Well um he's coming in right now"

"How do you-" I'm cut off when Edwin kisses me

"What the-"

"Look" He discreetly points across the hall at Bryce who is very madly talking to Nick and Zach


"Well wanna kiss again" he asks hopefully

"Sorry not right now" I pat him friendly on the shoulder and walk away

He follows me and grabs my hand

"Sorry" He says when I turn around

"It's fine" I laugh "I just want to get to class"

"Well we're in the same class so-"

"You want to walk with me. It's fine let's go" I smile and we walk to our class

We sit in our seats and wait for the class to start

"So I didn't see his reaction but I'm pretty sure he saw and he's mad"


Soon Bryce walks in the room which is strange cause this isn't his class

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" he yells at Edwin

"What was what" he smirks


"Woah bro you don't gotta yell"


"And who's your girlfriend?"

"HER!" He points to me

"Woah I am not your girlfriend."


"Um no I'm not I broke up with you yesterday and besides you already fucked someo-" I get cut of by a stinging on my cheek

I look up and notice he slapped me

I run out of the room and run to the bathroom to cry

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