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It was around midnight. The moonlight illuminated the room with a dreamy look, the shiny objects glistening because of it. The velvet curtains were pushed aside, showing the beautiful view of the castle gardens. The king and queen were in bed. The queen was reading her book about a girl who wondered around, finding an enchanted garden, and saving it from harm. The king watched his queen read silently, her face changing emotions with every page she turned.

"I absolutely love this book. She definitely earned her place as a queen" Rosalind sighed, finally closing her book, and turning off the lamp on her willow wood nightstand before getting comfortable under the silky covers.

""It reminds me, which of our daughters should be queen?" Liam asked, turning to look at the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Well," Rosalind shifted to look at her husband, "Technically it should be Amelia, considering that she is in fact the oldest." She replied, taking his hand in her own.

"I'm afraid that's not enough. What if one of the other girls would be a better queen? I fear we may crown the wrong queen." He admitted, kissing the back of her hand that was holding his.

"Don't worry. whichever one we crown will be amazing. We'll decide how to choose the best queen in the morning. We need our rest. Goodnight, love." She said before closing her eyes, slowly falling asleep.

"Goodnight my queen."


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"good morning mom, dad!" Amelia grinned as she walked into the dining area, wearing her elegant new suit which consisted of a white shirt, a blush blazer and skirt, paired with classy beige high heels. She gave her parents each a peck on the cheek before she sat next to her sister, Scarlet, who was wearing a blood red off shoulder sundress, with a pair of red high heels, her hair was styled elegantly in a half up half down hairdo.

"Good morning, Amelia! Someone's cheery this morning" Rosalind laughed lightly, cutting into her toast and eggs, taking a bite from it. 

"Yup! A new book  from John Green is coming out and I pre ordered it already, it should be here today. And let's not forget my meeting with the party committee for Aurora's 18th birthday." 

"Oh my god! I totally forgot about that!" Scarlet exclaimed, dropping her knife and fork on her half empty plate of pancakes. "I need to start designing her dress!" She was about to jump from her seat before she was stopped by her father.

"Scarlet," He chuckled "Her birthday isn't in another month. I think it can wait until after breakfast, dear" He told her.

"Oh, right' she smiled sheepishly, showing her pearly white teeth.

"Speaking of Aurora, where is she?" Rosalind asked her daughters.

"I'm not sure, she's probably still asleep." Amelia guessed. 

"I wish I was" As if on cue, Aurora walked in the room while rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she yawned. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a turquoise blouse, with it's sleeves folded up til her elbows, A pair of matching converse on her feet. Her hair was in a cute messy bun, complementing her glasses. No matter how simple she dressed, she was still the definition of adorable.

"Rora? Didn't you get any sleep last night?" Amelia asked her littlest sister. 

"No...I stayed up all night getting ready for my speech at the town today." she said, her voice muffled by the table that held her head on it. Then she got up, getting a bowl and making herself some cereal. 

"Rora! You can't eat that! You need your energy, and cereal just won't do." Amelia scolded her little sister lightly. 

Aurora looked at her sister, her cheeks looking like a chipmunk from the amount of her first spoon, which was still in her mouth. She swallowed half of what was in her mouth before looking at her bowl and saying "I'll add some raisins?"

"You hate raisins"

"Chocolate chips it is." Aurora laughed at her sister's face when she said that. Her parents laughed along with her, seeing the friendly banter between the two.

"So, what will you wear today at your speech for the youth?" Scarlet asked, already planning an outfit in her mind.

Aurora looked down at her clothes and back at Scarlet raising an eyebrow. "Oh I don't know..probably what I'm wearing now?" She replied sassily.

Scarlet scrunched her face in denial "oh no no no, that won't do. I have a suit that would be perfect for you! and some matching earring that are to die fo-" She gut cut of by Aurora saying "Letta, I'm not changing. I don't want to feel superior or anything. These are the youth we're talking about. They wouldn't care if they feel like I'm some pretty in pink perfect princess. I have to be one of them." She explained silencing her sister with her words. Amelia smiled proudly at her littlest sister. She's grown to be such an amazing woman. 

"Wait! That's it! Liam! I know what to do" Rosalind gasped, a grin taking over her face as she shook her husband's shoulder somewhat violently. 

She took his hand, pulling him away from the dining area, so the girls wouldn't hear what they're talking about.

"Liam, why don't we just make them live a normal life?" She suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," She paused before speaking again "We can send each one abroad, so no one recognizes them, and they have to enroll in colleges, get a job..not have any princess duty! Just normal life duties!" Her excitement grew with every word she spoke.

"This is a fantastic idea, darling! A queen must be one with her subjects to be able to rule!" Liam grinned, loving the idea.

"Come on, we have some planning to do"

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