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I'm walking around campus to meet up with Aurora for lunch. She's been hanging out with Chris more recently to make up for the lost time.

Our university won the soccer league, and Calum got elected to be captain, as he was the one who came up with the plan that got them to win. Jake was furious. He somehow defied the laws of reality and looked like an angry cartoon character, with steam coming out of his very red face. 

An angry Jake is the last thing we need. That possibly fueled him more to do something to Calum, or Aurora. We have to be careful and prepared for whatever strike he's planning.

I pull my hair out of my face as I continue walking to my destination. I stop in my tracks as I see Calum sitting alone at a table with his head in his hands, looking distressed. I hesitate before I walk towards him and sit next to him, placing my small hands on his back. Wow, his muscles are tense! 

He looks at me, letting out a sigh of relief when he sees it's just me. 

"Hey," I smile softly. "What wrong? You look awful." I admit.

"Gee, thanks." He chuckles and I grin sheepishly but it soon turns into a frown again as he sighs once more, slamming his head onto the wooden table. I really hope he didn't get a splinter in his forehead.

"It's just," He stumbles over his words, trying to find the right thing to say. "I really like Aurora..."

"And that's making you sad?" I ask while furrowing my eyebrows.

"No, well kinda," He says quickly before groaning at his frustration. "I just don't think I'm right for her." He finally admits.

I bite the inside of my cheek, knowing where this is probably headed.

"What makes you say that?" I play dumb.

He stares into my eyes, neither of us saying a word. I bite my lip involuntarily; a sign of nervousness. His gaze is soft and makes my cheeks redden.

He smiles at me.

"You see it too, huh?" 

"See what? I don't see anything," I take off my glasses, "I can't see without my glasses. um, what were we talking about?"

He laughs and I smile slightly, glad that he's out of his gloomy mood. He takes my glasses and puts them back on. I blush very easily, so his action turned me into a full on cherry.

"Chris and Aurora are meant to be." He states, the ghost of a smile dancing on his lips.

I sigh and study his face. He's clearly heartbroken, but still smiling. I remained silent, waiting for him to talk. I have a feeling he just needs someone to listen.

"I see the way they look at each other, and I don't think they know it yet. I see how happy he makes her, and how happy she makes him. They need each other. I like Aurora, I really do, but I can't do that to them. Chris is like my brother, I can't let him get heartbroken when he realizes his feelings for her. I love them both, which is why I can't stand in between them."

He's looking at the far distance, lost in another world as he talks. And I'm looking at him.

"What about you?" I wonder.

He looks at me, confusion laced into his furrowed eyebrows. "What about me?"

"I mean," I change my position so I'm facing him completely. "You're doing this for them, and I respect that, but what about you? Will you be okay? You gotta think about your own happiness too, Calum."

"I know," He smiles at me reassuringly. "I'll be okay and happy. It's best to do this now rather than in the future when I'm even more attached."

"So, how are you going to do it?"

"I'm going to talk to Aurora first, tell her that there's something better waiting for her. And then talk to Chris, maybe get him to realize his feelings, I think he's closer to finding out than Aurora. And I'll remain good friends with them both."

I smile at him and nod, silently encouraging him. "I'm always here if you need any help from my side, and if you just need someone to rant to."

"Thanks, Ella." He grins. "Hey can I ask you something?"


"Why don't you wear your glasses more often?"

"Oh," I gulp, "It's nothing, really." I lie. 

"You're lying." He states.

"Excuse me?" I try to hide it.

"You're biting your cheek. You do that when you get nervous."

"I hate you." I narrow my eyes at him and he grins. "Fine, you got me. I just don't like how I look with them, I figured wearing lenses would make me more confident, I guess."

"Is it working?"

"Not really..." I admit.

"Wanna know why?"

"Why?" I tilt my head.

"Because you look better with them on. They suit you really well, you look adorable and cozy in them" I flush at his words.

"Thanks." I squeak out, no longer feeling the cold weather of the London Autumn. 

We sit there in comfortable silence just admiring the beauty of the golden leaves falling from the trees, the sound of students' chatter and laughing filling the air along with the smell of pumpkin spice, which is used in almost everything this time of year.

It's peaceful.

Of course as always, technology has to step in and ruin everything. My phone suddenly started ringing and I look at the caller ID. Aurora is calling me. I totally forgot that I was meeting up with her, god I'm such a dork!

"I'm really sorry but I have to go. Bye Cal!" I excuse myself and get up.

"Bye, Ella. See you soon." He smiles at me. I smile back before I turn and leave, walking to the place I was supposed to be at 10 minutes ago.

I answer my phone as my steps go faster.

"Hey, I'm really sorry. I'm on my way." I tell her. "I- I got held back by something." I smile, a blush resting on my cheeks, and I blame it on the cold air.

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