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When my parents told us that we're going to have to live a normal life, I was scared to be out of my comfort zone. I'm not going to lie, I loved being able to dress in the best outfits I have, and wearing jewelry too; but then again, almost all girls do.

But that doesn't mean I can't live without them, and I realized that the day we came to live in London. Aya and I are managing just great by ourselves. She and I got a job at a fashion boutique to help customers plan outfits and choose the right pieces and matching them together. It pays really well too, so our apartment is looking fabulous.

We're ladies of fashion, we gotta live in style.

Now for the tea! 

On our first day at college, we met a really cute guy. He has Dark brown hair, and it's so fluffy! I want to know what shampoo he uses because damn!

His eyes are also a dark brown but they're so deep and beautiful, you can stare into them for hours. And the frame of his glasses compliment his face perfectly, somehow making his jawline even sharper than it is. 

His style is amazing, as you'd expect. he's the type who makes anything look good with those muscles ripping through the fit shirts he wears. He doesn't have huge muscles, just the perfect amount to maintain a healthy and strong body. He's taller than me, but then again I am pretty short, he's around one foot taller than me.

Ever since that day, I've been shipping him with Aya, because I think they would look perfect together.

Aya is the perfect height, only a couple inches shorter than him. She has curly hair, he has straight hair. Both have dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. They compliment each other perfectly. It's like they were made for each other.

Aya Kline and Asher Woods. I can see the wedding cards already!

I took it upon myself and made it my mission to get those two together since Aya is giving no effort at all. I'm surprised she even agreed to become friends with him.

Anyways, right now it's me, Aya and Asher. We're in fashion design class and we're a group together. Our project is to design an entire line of casual outfits for winter, using summer colors. 

It's going to be very hard, but I believe in us. Three talented designers, ready to take over the fashion industry.

Asher and I aren't really close yet, so I guessed I shouldn't talk about him to my sisters. Only Aya knows about him.

"How about this?" Asher asks, showing us his sketchbook that now has a figure drawn on it, wearing a yellow turtle neck sweater dress with cuts on the shoulder, matched with a pair of knee high black velvet high heel boots, and a leather clutch.

"That's great!" Aya exclaims, taking the book from his hand, examining it more closely. "And maybe add a teal belt to it?" 

Asher takes the notebook back with a grin, erasing and drawing a belt on it. I look in between them with a wide smile, seeing them interacting like that, before I suggest something of my own.

"That look would look great with a Japanese hair-bun and teal chopsticks through it. And sparkly green nail polish."

They agree and we continue drawing more outfits, sharing ideas and cracking jokes every now and then.

They agree and we continue drawing more outfits, sharing ideas and cracking jokes every now and then

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"Hey, Scarlet!" I hear my name being called out from across the hall. I turn to look at the direction the voice came from, seeing Asher walking fast towards me with a smile. I smile back at him and greet him before he begins to speak again.

"I heard there's a circus coming to town, and I thought maybe you'd wanna go watch it with me?"

"Oh my god, yes!! I love the circus!" I exclaim, holding the books tighter in my grasp and his smile widens and his eyes shine. "Is it okay if I bring Aya along?"

"Oh," his smile fades a bit, but quickly returns it, though it doesn't reach his eyes. "Yeah that's fine. Let me know if she's coming, you have my number, right?"

"I do. I'll text you her response when I see her again." I tell him. "So, what's your next class?"

And with that, the sparkle in both our eyes returned.

And with that, the sparkle in both our eyes returned

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"What?" I exclaim to my best friend. "What do you mean you're not gonna come? This is your chance!" 

"Here's the thing, I don't want to be shipped. I don't like him like that!" Aya plops herself on the couch.

"but, the way you two were talking today-"

"Friends, Letta!" She cuts me off "We're friends. And that's it!"



"Ugh fine I'll text him that you're not coming." I groan as I unlock my phone and look for Asher's contact.


Hey Ash!
Aya won't be coming with us :( I guess it's just you and me.

Aww, it's fine. We're still gonna have loads of fun!

Duh! I'm a joy to be around *hair flip*

LOL, you are tho! See you tonight then?

Yup. See ya!


 See ya!~

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I smirk as I see Scarlet smile at her phone and chuckle.

I take out my phone and text Asher.


You're welcome, lover boy.

Ha ha ha.
Seriously though, thanks a lot.

She really is oblivious isn't she?

I guess. I'm nervous, what if she wanted you to tag along because she doesn't like me?

Dude, calm down. She likes you, she just has to realize it.

I hope so.

Don't worry, leave it to me.


Oh poor Scarlet, she thinks Ash and I are the perfect couple when she doesn't realize the way her own eyes sparkle and her smile widens more whenever he's around.

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