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"It's nothing huge, well not for me at least." I explain through the phone.

Chris and I are face-timing each other and catching up. It's been four days since I came back to Avelyn, and tomorrow is the ball, leaving two days for all of us to repack and get our makeovers once again.

"Your great uncle passed away." He said bluntly. I chuckled and nodded "Yes, but I've never been close to him. Barely seen him even, only my parents see him every once in a while."

We talked a bit more about anything and everything.

"Why did you remove the purple streak in your hair?" He asked and that's when I realized that I forgot to cover my hair.

"I want to get it redone, maybe like an ombre purple this time" I didn't exactly lie.

"Make sure to leave some of your own hair color though! It's too beautiful to dye" He tells me and I blush at his words. I blush very easily and stutter every time someone compliments me.

"Thanks, captain." I laugh slightly.

"Oh! I planned everything for your birthday adventure for when you come back!" He exclaimed "And happy early birthday!"

"I swear you truly are the best friend ever" I smile at his enthusiasm. Sure I'm a princess and I get tonnes of stuff for my birthday and huge parties, but never has anyone done something like that for me.

Just me, Aurora, not Princess Aurora.

And it feels so special.

"Well, my mom is calling me for dinner. I'll call you soon." I say.

We say goodbye and end the call before I go to the dining room and join my family. 
They were each sitting in the same place we always sat in, and it feels comfortable to be back with my parents as this has been the longest I've been away from them.

"So, girls" My mom started just as I took a bite out of the casserole my mom made. "Tell us about London. How is it so far? Any new friends?"

Scarlet and Amelia exchanged looks and turned to look at me with a smirk.

"It's great, mom!" Amelia exclaimed "I did actually make a new friend. Her name is Lydia, and she's awesome. She also loves books as much as me, and we get along perfectly." She smiles. 

"And her little brother is Aurora's crush." Scarlet grinned as she and Amelia snickered.

My mom had a huge smile on her face, meanwhile my dad's grip on his utensils increased as both of them looked at me in shock.

I choked on the casserole when I heard what Scarlet said and looked at them with wide eyes.

"Oh my, honey! This is amazing!" My mom cheered.

"What?" My dad interrupted "No it's not!" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Guys!" I say loudly, grabbing their attention "Chris isn't my crush," I glare at my sisters "He's just my best friend!" I explain.

My mom pouted while my dad relaxed. 

"But they would be a great couple though, they're incredibly adorable together!" Amelia squealed. 

"Tell me more about him, Rora!" My mom pleaded.

I sigh and smile, shaking my head before I begin to talk about my best friend.

"Well, Chris is Lydia's little brother as Amelia said, and he studies Zoology too, we have the same schedule actually, that's how we got close in the first place. He's the greatest best friend! When I told him I haven't had many friends in my life, he made it his mission to give me a full best friend experience, so he constantly takes me out on adventures and even just movie nights at home. And whenever I'm having trouble at school, he helps me understand everything. He's a total gentleman and so polite and funny. And, he accepts me for me."

My mom is beaming with happiness and my dad is smiling softly. 

"He sounds wonderful." My dad admits.

"Oh how I wish we could invite him over!" My mom hoped.

"Maybe one day we can?" Scarlet spoke up. "He's a great guy, and I feel like we can trust him and Lydia with our secret."

My parents exchange a look and smile "One day, you can tell them, but not yet." Dad said.

"Also, look at this photo I took of her and Chris when they were at the airport." Amelia pulls out her phone, showing my parents a picture, which she then shows me. It's a picture of me and Chris hugging. I smile softly at the picture.

What can I say? We're adorable!

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